Date Feb 9, 2023
Location SCR 352
SB23-059 - Committee Discussion Only
01:35:58 PM |
Senator Baisley and Senator Roberts, co-prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 23-059. The bill creates the State Park and Wildlife Area Access Grant Program, diverts Keep Colorado Wild Pass revenue to the program, and authorizes the collection of fees to support local governments with the cost of maintaining access routes to state parks and wildlife areas. Senator Roberts announced that the bill would be laid over after hearing testimony.
01:43:56 PM |
Mrs. Gini Pingenot, representing Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI), testified in support of the bill. Ms. Amy Mitchell, representing Park County and CCI, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Darrell Evig, representing Park County Public Works, testified in support of the bill.
01:57:28 PM |
Commissioner Keith Baker, representing Chaffee County and CCI, testified in support of the bill. Commissioner Tim Corrigan, representing Routt County and CCI, testified in support of the bill. The commissioners responded to questions from the committee.
02:07:43 PM |
Tim Mauck, representing Colorado Department of Natural Resources, testified in opposition to the bill. Heather Dugan, representing Colorado Parks and Wildlife, testified in opposition to the bill. The panelists responded to questions from the committee.
02:21:50 PM |
Commissioner Bob Campbell, representing Teller County and CCI, testified in support of the bill.
02:29:53 PM |
Commissioner Dan Williams, representing Teller County and CCI, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Nabil Saweeres, representing Black Tree Resort, Inc., testified in support of the bill. Commissioner Warren Brown, representing Archuleta County, testified in support of the bill.
02:42:14 PM |
Dianna Orf, representing Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado, testified in support of the bill. Chuck Telotte, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Summit County Commissioner Josh Blanchard, representing Northwest Colorado Council of Goverments Water Quality/Quantity Committee, testified in support of the bill.
02:50:58 PM |
Senator Roberts wrapped up his presentation of the bill. The chair laid the bill over for future action.