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9B91D7D8946A9B5B8725894900723292 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 1, 2023      
Location LSB A

HB23-1048 - Committee Discussion Only

01:47:23 PM  
Representative Luck,
prime sponsor, provided information about House Bill 23-1048 concerning
delineator posts on a two-lane state highway.  The bill requires the
Department of Transportation to replace standard delineator post with flexible
posts when re-paving and to include the flexible posts on new roads.  The
bill does not change the standards related to deliniator post construction
and requirements.
01:52:06 PM  
The bill sponsor responded to questions from committee members.
01:52:43 PM  
The committee took a short recess.
01:53:40 PM  
The committee came back to order.
02:02:37 PM  
The bill sponsor continued to respond to questions.
02:02:52 PM  
Mr. Burl Scherler Home, representing themself, testified in support of the bill. Mrs. Kerry Froese, representing Colorado Women Involved in Farm Economics, testified in support of the bill.
02:10:09 PM  
The witnesses responded to questions from committee members.
02:17:08 PM  
Mr. John Lorme, representing
the Colorado Department of Transportation, testified about the bill.

02:19:14 PM  
Colin Gaiser, fiscal analyst representing Legislative Council Staff, testified about the fiscal note.
02:23:45 PM  
The witness responded to questions from committee members.
02:33:39 PM  
The witness continued to respond to questions from committee members.
02:38:54 PM  
Austin Vincent, representing the Colorado Farm Bureau, testified about the bill.
02:39:32 PM  
The witness responded to questions from committee members.
02:43:39 PM  
The committee took a brief recess.
02:43:49 PM  
The committee came back to order.
02:44:41 PM  
The bill sponsor made closing remarks.
02:46:29 PM  
The chair laid the bill over to a later date for action only.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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