9F8A2D94CC44BB8A8725888C005E2237 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For DOR SIMPLIFICATION OF THE STATE SALES TAX RETURNINTERIM COMMITTEE SALES AND USE TAX SIMPLIFICATION TASK FORCEDate Jul 27, 2022 Location Old State Library DOR Simplification of the State Sales Tax Return - Committee Discussion Only 11:08:13 AM Josh Pens, Colorado Department of Revenue, provided a follow up on the department's proposal to simplify the state's sales tax return. The state's current return form can be found here: https://tax.colorado.gov/sites/tax/files/documents/DR0100_2022.pdf. Mr. Pens also provided examples of the current spreadsheet return and an example of the simplest form that may be possible. Mr. Pens also discussed potential impacts of any change on the local distribution of cigarette and retail marijuana taxes, regional tourism tax increment district taxes, the loss of tax expenditure information, and other considerations related to the proposal. 11:22:31 AM The task force discussed the form simplification proposal.