A1F1D410EE2705B087258936007423A0 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2023A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For SMART ACT PRESENTATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT EDUCATIONDate Jan 13, 2023 Location Old State Library SMART Act Presentation from the Department of Education - Committee Discussion Only 02:08:38 PM Dr. Katy Anthes, Commissioner of Education, presented the Colorado Department of Education's (CDE) SMART Act presentation to the committee. The presentation materials are available here: https://leg.colorado.gov/content/hed2023asmartact. CDE's presentation focused on the department's strategic plan, student academic achievement, recent graduation and dropout rates, READ Act implementation, teacher workforce challenges, and an ESSER funding update. 02:09:34 PM Dr. Anthes responded to committee members' questions. 02:23:27 PM Dr. Anthes answered questions about the number of students opting out of assessments such as CMAS, ACT and PSAT, and the achievement gap between white and non-white students. 02:29:22 PM Dr. Floyd Cobb, representing CDE, continued the department's presentation. 02:54:53 PM Dr. Colleen O'Neil, representing CDE, continued the department's presentation and responded to questions about evidence-based science educator-preparation curriculum. Dr. O'Neil discussed workforce development, educator development, and teacher shortages.