AA4523B0DB7DEC33872587AB00793497 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For FY 22-23 REQUESTS: COLORADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEMJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Dec 14, 2021 Location SCR 352 FY 22-23 Requests: Colorado Community College System - Committee Discussion Only 03:03:55 PM Joe Garcia, Chancellor for the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), provided an overview of the CCCS and the three FY 2022-23 IT Capital budget requests from community colleges that the JTC will be considering. 03:11:07 PM Several individuals representing the Community College of Aurora (CCA), including Dr. Mordecai Brownlee, President, Wendy Mench, Director of Information Technology, and Lynne Winchell, Vice President of Administration and Chief Financial Officer, provided an overview of CCA's FY 2022-23 IT Capital budget request to Improve Student Access to Technology. The CCA representatives responded to questions from the committee regarding the institution's use of federal COVID-19 emergency relief funds and what kinds of devices are being provided to students. 03:20:37 PM Several individuals representing the Community College of Denver (CCD), including Dr. Marielena DeSanctis, President, Kathryn Kaoudis, Vice President of Administrative Services and Chief Financial Officer, and Claudia Forbes, Interim Director of Information Technology Services, provided an overview of CCD's FY 2022-23 IT Capital budget request for phase two of the Classroom and Conference Room Technology upgrades. A copy of the CCD presentation slides can be found here: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/10._community_college_of_denver_presentation_slides.pdf The CCD representatives responded to questions from the committee regarding potential academic improvement from these investments, how CCD has incorporated lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and the first phase of the project in moving forward, and how many classrooms and conference rooms have been upgraded so far with the funding received for phase one of the project. 03:32:28 PM Dr. Landon Pirius, the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs for CCCS and representing the seven colleges that are participating in the Rural College Consortium, provided an overview of the FY 2022-23 IT Capital budget request for IT Infrastructure. A copy of the presentation slides can be found here: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/11._rural_college_consortium_presentation_slides.pdf Dr. Pirius responded to questions from the committee regarding the potential cost savings from the project, how the funding for shared courses across campuses works, how many students may be served by this project, the cost structure for high school students, how the funding will be distributed among the seven colleges, the appropriations to three of the colleges last year for IT infrastructure upgrade projects, how this consortium may be able to help address specific workforce needs in these rural areas, the work of the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force, and how CCCS plans to develop the course catalog across the colleges. Chancellor Garcia returned to the table to discuss the potential benefits of this project with the committee and potential expansion to high school students in the future.