AD403C6BFAB647D4872585D80059C33D Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2020A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For INITIATIVE 257 - LOCAL VOTER APPROVAL OF CASINO BET LIMITS AND GAMESJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE COUNCILDate Sep 3, 2020 Location Old State Library Initiative 257 - Local Voter Approval of Casino Bet Limits and Games - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf 10:20:29 AM Meredith Moon, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Initiative 257, Local Voter Approval of Casino Bet Limits and Games in Black Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek. She told the committee that the initiative is now named Amendment 77. She explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided in the ballot analysis. 10:26:58 AM Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke about the ballot analysis. Committee discussion ensued. 10:28:06 AM Scott Gessler, the former Colorado Secretary of State, came to the table to speak about the amendment and initiative numbering process. 10:29:27 AM Speaker Becker distributed and explained Amendment 1 (Attachment A). She severed the amendment into sections A and B, with section A being the first line of the amendment and section B being the remaining portions. She requested that the committee vote on severed section B only. 10:33:29 AM Motion Approve severed section B of Amendment 1 to Initiative 257 (Attachment A). Moved Becker Seconded Holbert Cooke Yes Donovan Yes Duran Yes Fenberg Yes Garnett Yes Holbert Yes Jackson Yes Lontine Yes Marble Yes Moreno Yes Mullica Yes Neville No Saine No Scott Yes Williams A. Yes Williams D. No Garcia Yes Becker Yes YES: 15 NO: 3 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS