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B9DEAA801A9BB10D87258B4E00706BBF Hearing Summary


Date Jul 2, 2024      
Location Old State Library

Presentation from the Department of Public Safety and the Division of Fire Prevention and Control - Committee Discussion Only

02:29:11 PM  
Director Morgan provided follow-up information on a previous question on funding for fire departments.
02:32:56 PM  
Director Morgan,
representing the Department of Public Safety, presented on the Department
of Public Safety and the Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC).
He reviewed information about the DFPC mission including protecting property,
resources, environment, and quality of life in Colorado. Director Morgan
outlined the chain of command for wildfires in Colorado, which starts with
a fire protection district, then may advance to the county sheriff, and
then ultimately to the state, when necessary, who may bring in federal
partners. He discussed how wildfires have changed over time. A copy of
the Firefighter Safety and Disease Prevention Fund Annual Report was distributed
to the committee (Attachment I).
02:46:19 PM  
Director Morgan reviewed how the state assists in fires, including aviation funding, technical assistance, and handcrews. He stated that between 2018 to 2022 the state received 223 requests for fire assistance and expended almost $8 million to provide assistance.
02:54:09 PM  
Chief Vaughn Jones
representing DFPC provided additional information on state fire assistance.
Director Morgan discussed the history of state responsibility for fires.
He reviewed data that showed that from 1967 to 1979 there was one qualifying
fire, whereas from 2010 to 2019 there were 74 qualifying fires for state
02:59:52 PM  
Director Morgan reviewed
information on a new concept for the state's fire agency and fuels management,
as well as funding mitigation and suppression. He reviewed information
about the DFPC sections, which includes the Fire and Life Safety Section,
which includes Building, Fire, and Life Safety Code Enforcement. Director
Morgan reviewed information about the Wildfire Resilient Homes Grant Program,
including highlighting some of the projects the program has funded. He
discussed the DFPC's Professional Qualifications and Training Section,
which manages firefighter certifications and training across the state.
Director Morgan reviewed data on the Firefighter Safety and Disease Grant
Program and Mental Health, which has awarded 548 grants totalling almost
$18 million. He mentioned that the funding for the program goes away in
FY 2024-25.  
03:11:09 PM  
Director Morgan explained
aspects of the Center of Excellence and the Colorado Team Awareness Kit,
known as COTAK, which is in the beta testing phase. He reviewed the DFPC
regions, the ground-based resources, and aviation resources. Director Morgan
and Chief Jones responded to questions from the committee about the location
of firefighting aircrafts.
03:24:57 PM  
Director Morgan and
Chief Jones reviewed the role of the Wildfire Fire Management Section and
Interagency Local Mutual Aid Dispatch Centers. Director Morgan discussed
the Vision Hills Fire in Pueblo in April 2024 and the Boggsville Fire in
Bent County in March 2024. He provided information about the core wildfire
season, which is May through September, but wildfires can and do happen
outside of this period. Director Morgan and Chief Jones reviewed information
about the July 2024 fire potential outlook throughout the state, which
is increased in southeast Colorado but normal for the rest of the state.
03:34:43 PM  
Director Morgan provided
national fire data for 2024. He stated that there have been less fires
nationally, but they have burned longer. He provided a 2024 legislative
session overview and updates and highlighted House Bill 24-1091, which
addresses fire-hardened building materials; House Bill 24-1155, which addresses
the management of certain public safety emergencies, and House Bill 24-1309,
which addresses the use of aircraft in search and rescue operations.
03:39:30 PM  
Director Morgan reviewed information about the Colorado Wildfire Resiliency Code Board, which has 21 voting members and three ex officio members. He discussed how the board is addressing issues with homeowners insurance, including building design.
03:43:16 PM  
Director Morgan,
Chief Jones, and Joel Malecka, representing DPS, responded to questions
from the committee about prescribed burns and wildfires and language access
issues related to wildfires. Chief Chris Brunette, representing DPS, responded
to questions from the committee about fireworks. The panelists responded
to questions from the committee related to workforce issues.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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