BDEE1D9FDE440C46872588780052D17C Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TRANSITION UPDATESINTERIM COMMITTEE EARLY CHILDHOOD AND SCHOOL READINESSDate Jul 7, 2022 Location HCR 0112 Colorado Department of Early Childhood Transition Updates - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf 09:05:02 AM Lisa Roy, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) began her presentation, which can be found as Attachment A. She provided background information on her qualifications. 09:05:53 AM Director Roy went over key legislation passed last year and gave updates on projects and initiatives at the department. 09:11:10 AM Michael Cooke, Early Childhood Transition Director, Governor's Office, went over the timeline for local coordinating organization selection and other key requirements for transitioning programs and services to the new CDEC. Ms. Cooke responded to questions from the commission. 09:23:32 AM Ms. Cooke went over the single application process for early childhood services and the Universal Preschool Rate Setting Formula. 09:28:01 AM Director Roy discussed the selection process for the Rule Advisory Council members. She spoke about state agency partnerships and Memorandums of Understanding, and reviewed the organizational structure of the CDEC. 09:36:06 AM Mary Alice Cohen, Deputy Executive Director and Director of Program Delivery, CDEC, gave an overview of stimulus funding received by the department, ways in which the funding has been implemented, and the stakeholder engagement process prior to the next legislative session. 09:51:56 AM Deputy Director Cohen answered questions from the commission regarding early child care providers. 10:03:08 AM Director Roy gave final remarks and answered questions from the commission members. Deputy Director Cohen answered questions from the commission.