Education (K-12) |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Education [(Assistance to Public Schools (Public School Finance/ Categorical Programs)] Staff Budget Briefing *SUMMARY* |
12/05/2024 |
fy25-26_edubrf2sum.pdf |
Education (K-12) |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Education [(Assistance to Public Schools (Public School Finance/ Categorical Programs)] Staff Budget Briefing |
12/05/2024 |
fy2025-26_edubrf2.pdf |
Informational Meetings |
Discussion Regarding Home Care Services for Colorado Vulnerable Children - Impacts on Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Costs |
12/05/2024 |
nursing-12-05-24.pdf |
Law |
Hearing |
FY 2025-26 Law Hearing |
12/05/2024 |
fy2025-26_lawhrg.pdf |
Public Safety |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Public Safety (Division of Criminal Justice) Staff Budget Briefing *SUMMARY* |
12/04/2024 |
fy25-26_pubsafbrf2sum.pdf |
Public Safety |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Public Safety (Division of Criminal Justice) Staff Budget Briefing |
12/04/2024 |
fy2025-26_pubsafbrf2.pdf |
Military and Veterans Affairs |
Hearing |
FY 2025-26 Military & Veterans Affairs Hearing |
12/04/2024 |
fy2025-26_milhrg.pdf |
Labor and Employment |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Labor & Employment Staff Budget Briefing *SUMMARY* |
12/04/2024 |
fy25-26_labbrfsum.pdf |
Labor and Employment |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Labor & Employment Staff Budget Briefing |
12/04/2024 |
fy2025-26_labbrf.pdf |
Human Services |
Briefing |
FY 2025-26 Human Services (Office of Economic Security/ Office of Adults, Aging, and Disability Services) Staff Budget Briefing *SUMMARY* |
12/04/2024 |
fy25-26_humbrf2sum.pdf |