Taj Kattapuram, representing Foothills Medical Society, spoke in support of the sunset review with amendments. He expressed his concerns with Recommendation 2 and due process. Discussion followed about scenarios in which a physician is charged with a serious crime. Committee members noted the decrease in the number of suspensions, as depicted in a table in the report.
Martha Montemayor, representing Cannabis Clinicians Colorado, spoke in support of continuation of the Colorado Medical Practice Act but without Recommendation 2.
John Conkilin, representing Colorado Medical Society, spoke in support of the Act as amended. He answered questions about the decrease in suspensions and noted that the table may not include summary suspensions. He stated that Recommendation 2 is too broad.
Committee members further discussed the sunset review report in regards to substandard conduct and sexual assault.
Karen McGovern, representing DORA, spoke about the process to file a complaint. She answered questions about the decrease in suspensions, definitions, disciplinary actions, and whether sexual assaults are accounted for in substandard conduct statistics.