Date Jan 23, 2019
Location Old State Library
HB19-1028 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole
01:37:30 PM |
Representative Hooton and Representative Ransom, bill sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1028 to the committee. The bill adds autism spectrum disorder to the list of disabling medical conditions for which medical marijuana may be used.
01:45:31 PM |
Representatives Hooton and Ransom responded to committee questions.
01:45:32 PM |
Representative Lontine proceeded with witness testimony on the bill.
01:47:15 PM |
Stacey Linn, Cannability Foundation, testified in support of the bill.
01:53:49 PM |
Wendi Carter, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
01:56:50 PM |
Autumn Brooks, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
02:00:11 PM |
Margaret Terlaje, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
02:02:59 PM |
Sarah Carrasco, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
02:06:36 PM |
Ms. Carrasco, Ms. Linn, and Ms. Brown responded to committee question.
02:17:44 PM |
Dr. Dave Downs, Colorado Medical Society,
testified in opposition to the bill and distributed a handout (Attachment
02:22:03 PM |
Dr. Jennifer Hagman, Colorado Psychiatric Society (CPS) and Colorado Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Society (CCAPS), testified in opposition to the bill.
02:25:16 PM |
Dr. Daniel Nicoli, CPS and CCAPS, testified in opposition to the bill.
02:30:07 PM |
Dr. Nicoli, Dr. Hagman, and Dr. Downs responded to committee questions.
02:51:37 PM |
Committee discussion with the witness panel continued.
02:51:38 PM |
Benjamin Waters, Native Roots, testified in support of the bill.
03:01:59 PM |
Art Way, Drug Policy Alliance, testified in support of the bill.
03:05:14 PM |
Mr. Waters and Mr. Way responded to committee questions.
03:12:37 PM |
Dr. Christopher Rogers, CPS and CCAPS,
testified in opposition to the bill. Dr. Rogers responded to committee
03:18:06 PM |
Jeff Hunt, Colorado Christian University, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Hunt responded to committee questions.
03:31:19 PM |
Don Cooper, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
03:35:18 PM |
Martha Montemayor, Cannabis Clinicians
Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
03:38:05 PM |
Dr. Stephen Elliot, representing himself,
testified in support of the bill.
03:41:34 PM |
Lisa Escalante, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
03:44:36 PM |
Ms. Montemayor and Dr. Elliot responded to committee questions.
03:57:10 PM |
Bridget Dandaraw, Canna-Patient Resource
Connections, testified in support of the bill.
04:14:43 PM |
Vicki Trujillo, Americans for Safe Access,
testified in support of the bill.
04:18:46 PM |
Amber Wann, Americans for Safe Access, testified in support of the bill.
04:21:18 PM |
Crystal Barker, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:25:18 PM |
Michelle Walker, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:28:48 PM |
Melissa Atchley, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:31:47 PM |
Jackie Bess, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:35:06 PM |
Spirit Wilson, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
04:41:15 PM |
The panel of witnesses responded to committee questions, and committee discussion ensued.
04:58:52 PM |
Fran Maes, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, testified in support of the bill.
05:02:39 PM |
Jordan Wellington, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
05:03:26 PM |
Mary Carniglia, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
05:08:40 PM |
David Wasserman, Southern Colorado Cannabis Council, testified in support of the bill.
05:11:23 PM |
Diane Robinson, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
05:15:58 PM |
Cindy Sovine, representing herself, testified regarding the bill. Ms. Sovine responded to committee questions.
05:25:00 PM |
Ms. Sovine and committee members continued
to dialogue.
05:34:04 PM |
Representative Caraveo distributed amendment L.001 and described it to the committee (Attachment C).
05:43:47 PM |
Committee members commented on the amendment. Representative Caraveo responded to committee questions.
05:58:22 PM |
Committee members continued to dialogue
regarding the amendment.
06:01:22 PM |
Representatives Ransom and Hooton commented on the amendment.
06:09:36 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.001 (Attachment C). |
Moved |
Caraveo |
Seconded |
Mullica |
Baisley |
No |
Beckman |
No |
Buckner |
No |
Catlin |
No |
Jackson |
No |
Jaquez Lewis |
No |
Mullica |
Yes |
Soper |
Yes |
Titone |
No |
Caraveo |
Yes |
Lontine |
No |
06:09:37 PM |
Representatives Hooton and Ransom gave concluding remarks on the bill.
06:10:20 PM |
Committee members commented on the bill.
06:19:39 PM
Motion |
Refer House Bill 19-1028 to the Committee of the Whole. |
Moved |
Soper |
Seconded |
Jaquez Lewis |
Baisley |
Yes |
Beckman |
Yes |
Buckner |
Yes |
Catlin |
Yes |
Jackson |
Yes |
Jaquez Lewis |
Yes |
Mullica |
Yes |
Soper |
Yes |
Titone |
Yes |
Caraveo |
No |
Lontine |
Yes |
Final |