CA29722EF0679ED8872586300067DEEC Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2020B/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For HB20B-1002HOUSE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH CARE & HUMAN SERVICESDate Nov 30, 2020 Location HCR 0112 HB20B-1002 - Referred to House Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf 11:54:34 AM Representative Kipp, bill sponsor, presented House Bill 20B-1002. The bill creates two grant programs in the Department of Human Services (DHS) to support child care centers in the state: the Child Care Sustainability Grant Program and the Emerging and Expanding Child Care Grant Program. 12:06:52 PM Committee discussion and questions followed. 12:08:48 PM MaryAlice Cohen, representing DHS, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Cohen responded to committee questions. 12:25:10 PM Bill Jaeger, representing the Colorado Children's Campaign, testified in support of the bill. 12:28:37 PM Nicole Riehl, representing Executives Partnering to Invest in Children, testified in support of the bill. 12:32:19 PM Suzanne Banning, representing Florence Crittenton Services, testified in support of the bill. 12:36:26 PM Holly Williams, representing representing herself, testified in support of the bill. 12:39:39 PM Jia Meeks, representing the Early Care and Education Consortium, testified in support of the bill. 12:39:40 PM The committee received several written comments (Attachment A). 12:44:09 PM Representative Kipp made closing comments on the bill. 12:46:17 PM Committee discussion ensued. 12:49:39 PM Committee members commented on the bill. 12:56:02 PM Motion Refer House Bill 20B-1002 to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Michaelson Jenet Seconded Cutter Caraveo Yes Cutter Yes Holtorf Yes Larson Yes Liston Yes Mullica Yes Young Excused Michaelson Jenet Yes Singer Yes Final YES: 8 NO: 0 EXC: 1 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS