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D5C7D40A546E95BD87258822006B4C4E Hearing Summary


Date Apr 12, 2022      
Location HCR 0112

SB22-097 - Referred to House Appropriations

01:32:02 PM  
Representative Herod
and Representative Sullivan, co-prime bill sponsors, presented Senate Bill
22-097, concerning the expansion of protections for workers who raise workplace
health and safety concerns.  The bill expands protections for workers
who report concerns about health and safety, or violations of health and
safety rules, to their employers.  Current law only protects retaliation
against reports related to a public health emergency.  The bill expands
protections to cover all reports of threats to, or violations of, health
and safety.  
01:37:34 PM  

Nina DiSalvo, representing Towards Justice, testified in support of the bill.

Loryn Cesario, representing the Communications Workers of America, testified in support of the bill.

Amie Baca-Oehlert, representing the Colorado Education Association, testified in support of the bill.

Clayton Wire, representing the Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association, testified in support of the bill.

Blake Howell, representing the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 7, testified in support of the bill.

Becky Sassaman, representing self, testified in support of the bill.

Rachel Ellis, representing the Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association, testified in support of the bill.

The panelists responded to questions from the committee.

Written testimony was provided to the committee (Attachment A).

02:03:32 PM  
Representative Sullivan provided concluding remarks on the bill.

02:07:00 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 22-097 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Sirota
Seconded Cutter
Amabile Yes
Bradfield No
Cutter Yes
Gonzales-Gutierrez Yes
Hanks Excused
Holtorf No
Jodeh Yes
Pelton No
Ricks Yes
Williams No
Young Yes
Sirota Yes
Michaelson Jenet Yes
Final YES: 8   NO: 4   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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