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E6D23C2659A6841B872582820072E121 Hearing Summary


Date May 3, 2018      
Location SCR 357

HB18-1368 - Committee Discussion Only

02:54:48 PM  

Senator Moreno and Senator Merrifield, co-prime sponsors, explained House Bill 18-1368, concerning the repeal of the prohibition on local governments enacting minimum wage laws. The bill sponsors provided statistics regarding low wage workers and noted the differences in cost of living expenses across the state.

02:58:36 PM  

Sonia Riggs, representing the Colorado Restaurant Association, testified against the bill. She discussed restaurants and tight profit margins.  She emphasized that disparity in minimum wages will impact small businesses. 

03:01:15 PM  

Bre Andrews, representing the AFL-CIO, spoke in support of the bill. She discussed how it would protect workers and ensure a more equitable pay structure.

03:02:32 PM  

Eric Leveridge, representing United for a New Economy, testified in support of the bill.  He discussed how wages lag behind cost of living. 

03:04:28 PM  

Robel Worku, representing Colorado People's Alliance, spoke in support of the bill.  He discussed cost of living and jurisdictional issues. 

03:07:12 PM  

Debra Brown, representing Good Business Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.  She discussed retention issues.

03:09:55 PM  

Daniel Kimbrough, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.  He noted how he is barely making ends meet working at an after-school program. 

03:10:37 PM  

Andrew Hamer, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.  He discussed how a guaranteed minimum wage would help his family. 

03:12:12 PM  

Steve O'Dorisio,  Adams County Commissioner, spoke in support of the bill.  He distributed a letter in support of the measure from the Adams County Board of Commissioners (Attachment M). 

03:14:47 PM  

Michelle Webster, representing Colorado Center on Law and Policy, testified in favor the bill.  She emphasized that wages have been stagnant for the majority of workers.

A handout from the National Employment Law Center was distributed (Attachment N). 

A handout regarding self-sufficiency wages across the state was distributed (Attachment O).

03:17:31 PM  

Lindsey Vigoda, representing the Bell Policy Center, testified in support of the bill.  She supported giving local governments the power and choice to respond to unique needs.

03:19:41 PM  

Mary Lou Chapman, representing the Rocky Mountain Food Industry Association, spoke in opposition to the bill.  She stated that different wages would cause unnecessary competition between businesses. 

03:21:21 PM  

Tony Gagliardi, representing the National Federation of Independent Business, testified against the bill. He stressed that differing wages across jurisdictions would be too confusng and difficult to track. He also brought up constitutional issues.

03:24:50 PM  

Senators Moreno and Merifield wrapped up and raised points about wages not keeping up with cost of living.

Senator Marble stated that a vote would occur when all committee members are in attendance. 

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