E816CEFD260E79748725876C004F0686 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For CONSIDERATION OF PROPERTY TRANSACTION -DEPT. OF PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION - ENERGY PARK ACQUISITIONJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEDate Oct 12, 2021 Location SCR 357 Consideration of Property Transaction -Dept. of Personnel and Administration - Energy Park Acquisition - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf/0/989EB9BFBD89...$File/Attachment C.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C.pdf 08:23:12 AM Tobin Follenweider, Deputy Executive Director at the Department of Personnel and Administration, and Lu Cordova, the Governor's Advisor on Transformation, presented on the Global Energy Park Property Acquisition. Property transaction documentation is included as Attachment C. 08:28:05 AM Mr. Follenwider and Ms. Cordova answered questions from the committee. 08:41:17 AM Motion Recommend support for the acquisition of “Parcel 5,” a 9.3-acre parcel currently owned by Jefferson County as part of Pleasant View Park. Moved Story Seconded Fields Yes Rich Yes Sonnenberg Yes Valdez D. Yes Story Yes Hooton Yes YES: 6 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 08:43:38 AM Motion Approve the Department of Personnel and Administration to enter into a contract with a third party for a ground lease to build and operate a renewable energy park on the 9.3-acre property in Jefferson County known as Parcel 5 once the department acquires the property Moved Story Seconded Fields Yes Rich Yes Sonnenberg Yes Valdez D. Yes Story Yes Hooton Yes YES: 6 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS