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E8C07F4B164177958725850D00606BD5 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 13, 2020      
Location SCR 357

SB20-004 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations

10:33:25 AM  
Senator Fenberg introduced Senate Bill 20-004. The bill creates the Get on Your Feet Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program in the Department of Higher Education. He responded to questions from the committee regarding the bill.
10:52:32 AM  
Tyler Jackie, Bell Policy Center, testified
in support of the bill.
10:56:22 AM  
Emily Burns, Colorado Department of Higher Education, offered to respond to committee questions regarding the bill.
10:57:03 AM  
Morgan Royal, New Era Colorado, testified
in support of the bill.  Ms. Royal and Mr. Jackie responded to committee
questions.  Ms. Burns responded to questions from the committee regarding
the administrative costs of the bill and whether out-of-state students
would qualify for the bill.
11:19:46 AM  

Ryan Case, American Federation of Teachers - Colorado, testified in support of the bill.

11:21:15 AM  
Lauren Smith, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
11:23:58 AM  

Mykaela Doane, representing herself, testified in support of the bill and responded to committee questions.

11:30:40 AM  

Maggie Bryniarski read testimony in support of the bill.

11:32:37 AM  

Victoria Dadet read testimony in support of the bill.

11:35:31 AM  
Eli Grimm, representing herself, testified
in support of the bill.
11:38:07 AM  

Matt Vondrasek, United Government of Graduate Students, CU Boulder, testified in support of the bill and responded to committee questions.

11:44:38 AM  
Sophia San Miguel, representing herself,
testified regarding the bill and provided written testimony (Attachment
11:51:01 AM  
Senator Fenberg distributed and explained amendment L.001
(Attachment B).

11:52:07 AM
Motion Adopt amendment L.001
Moved Hansen
Lundeen Excused
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

12:28:03 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 20-004, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Hansen
Hansen Yes
Lundeen No
Tate Yes
Todd Yes
Woodward No
Lee Yes
Gonzales Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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