EC248B25F963D899872587AB007F1E7F Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For COMMITTEE DISCUSSION OF DECEMBER BUDGET AMENDMENTSJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Dec 14, 2021 Location SCR 352 Committee Discussion of December Budget Amendments - Committee Discussion Only 04:08:31 PM Ms. Altmann provided an overview of the additional budget requests that were submitted to the committee for consideration as part of the December 10 budget amendment package. A copy of the memo can be found here: Senator Bridges requested information from OIT on the potential for coordinating purchases of switches, routers, and other IT infrastructure for departments and institutions of higher education. Senator Bridges also requested a presentation to the committee in the future on cybersecurity efforts at all levels, including the state, local governments, utilities, school districts, and institutions of higher education.