EC876E8E06C521A9872587270050B983 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For PUBLIC HIGHWAY AUTHORITY UPDATEINTERIM COMMITTEE TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION REVIEW COMMITTEEDate Aug 4, 2021 Location Old State Library Public Highway Authority Update - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A$File/21TLRC0804AttachA.pdf?OpenElement 21TLRC0804AttachA.pdf Attachment B - Not available to View in This Summary$File/?OpenElement Attachment C$File/21TLRC0804AttachC.pdf?OpenElement 21TLRC0804AttachC.pdf Attachment D$File/21TLRC0804AttachD.pdf?OpenElement 21TLRC0804AttachD.pdf 08:41:46 AM Director Tim Stewart and Board Chairman Chaz Tedesco, representing the E-470 Highway Authority provided a PowerPoint presentation (Attachment A) to the committee. Director Stewart provided a handout was also provided (Attachment B). Chairman Tedesco made introductory remarks. Director Stewart provided background about the 47 mile toll road around the perimeter of Denver. He indicated that the authority is carrying $1.3 billion in debt that will pay off in September of 2041 and provided a summary toll and fee reductions. 08:46:27 AM Director Stewart said that the authority recently adopted a work plan that includes regional public partnerships, facilitating transportation projects, and funding capital needs with no new debt, as well as the update of the 2018 master plan. He also indicated that the authority continues to reduce debt and is using cash reserves for needs. He shared 2021 traffic statistices through June, including that traffic is 22 percent below 2019, but up 18 percent over 2020 traffic. Director Stewart stated that the authority completed a $99 million project with Arapahoe County and the City of Aurora that reconfigured lanes,addded lanes, and made additions to the High Plains Trail. There are plans to expand and make improvements at I-70 and 104th Avenue, as well as 38th Avenue, 48th Avenue, 64th Avenue, 88th Avenue, and Pena Boulevard. 08:52:01 AM E-470 staff discussed the highway's economic impact in the region for 2019, including a savings of 43.2 million hours, equivalent to $354.5 million net value. Staff stated that $70 million was saved in avoided accidents and that the value of commercial goods moved through the region on the toll road was $4.3 billion total in 2020. Director Stewart indicated that the authority has cut wrong way driving in half, using cable barriers and is protecing wildlife with fencing. He stated that the authority is also contributing to improved air quality, using electric fleet vehicles. Authority staff shared concerns about a drop in revenue with the passage of Senate Bill 21-257. Director Steward stated that concerns relate to the absence of license plates on mobile machinery, since the authority tolls vehicles using license plates. There was a discussion about how special mobile machinery is licensed. 08:58:51 AM Committee members discussed how most mobile machinery may be pulled on a trailer or is not road worthy, as well as examples of mobile machinery, such as oil and gas equipment. 09:12:22 AM There was a discussion about a marketing campaign for the transponder and perks for E-470 customers, as well as revenues related to traffic flow. E-470 staff answered questions about about the review of unsolicited proposals and the lack of a formal policy on this issue. 09:24:27 AM John Hall, Managing Administrator representing the Northwest Parkway Authority, provided a PowerPoint presentation (Attachment C) about the highway that links E-470, I-25, and US36. Mr. Hall discussed additional developments adjacent to the parkway, including: on the eastern end of the Baseline Project, north of the parkway, a development with 9,000 homes; at the Highway 287 interchange on the northeast corner at Lafayette, Medtronics development; and west of Louisville a Conoco Phillips redevelopment. Mr. Hall provided information about traffic during the pandemic, including: total trips falling by 40 percent in 2020 from pre-pandemic levels; traffic recovery, currently at 30 percent lower than pre-pandemic levels; and a general decrease in accidents, while personal injuries have remained relatively constant. Mr. Hall stated that toll rates are regulated by the consessionnaire, and increase annually per capita with the gross domestic product,U.S. Consumer Price Index, or 2 percent, whichever is higher. He shared that the annual inspection of the parkway recently resulted in a score of 4.96 out of 5, with no category one (poses an immediate hazard) defects. He indicated that only one category two defect (does not pose an immediate hazard) was found. There was a discussion about recent projects, including pavement rideability improvements on 15,000 feet of surfuce and electronic toll signage with replacement of signs and the addition of 11 electronic variable tolling signs. 09:33:34 AM Solar arrays used by the parkway were discussed. Mr. Hall highlighted seven solar arrays, producing 940 killowats of electricity, and reducing the use of electricity through the power grid by 47 percent over the last 10 years in the administrative building. There was a discussion about solar panels assisting with the operating costs of facilities and ramp locations. 09:34:47 AM Bill Ray, Executive Director representing the Jefferson Parkway Highway Authority, provided background information about the highway. Mr. Ray provided a PowerPoint presentation (Attachment D). He indicated that the parkway is still in planning stages. There was a discussion about soil samples and hazardous materials in the area of the proposed highway. Mr. Ray talked about the City and County of Broomfield recent re-engagement in the parkway, after withdrawing in the past. Mr. Ray answered questions about the continued relevancy of the project and changing the route of the parkway, including an environmental impact study should the route change.