Date Feb 22, 2023
Location Old Supreme Court
SB23-067 - Lay Over
01:35:54 PM |
Chair Gonzales made opening remarks.
Senator Coleman, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 23-067, concerning a recividism reduction program for persons sentenced to the Department of Correctins facilitated by program participants in partnership with Department of Corrections (DOC) staff. He discussed that the bill, as written, requires DOC to operate the Re-Imagine Pilot Program at the Sterling Correctional Facility. He referenced possible amendments to the bill.
Committee members asked questions about the program and request for proposals.
01:43:04 PM |
Mr Cris Clare, representing Colorado Department of Corrections, testified in support of the bill. He introduced eight inmates from the Sterling Correctional Facility who testified remotely. Each inmate spoke in favor of bill and discussed benefits of peer-to-peer recovery support services.
Committee members asked questions about eligibility requirements and similar programs in other facilities.
02:16:01 PM |
Matthew Server, representing Colorado Catholic Conference, testified in support of the bill.
Ms Breeah Kinsella, representing Colorado Providers Association, testified in support of the bill.
Kayla Frawley, representing ProgressNow Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
02:27:41 PM |
Mr Brett Davidson, representing themself, testified in support of the bill.
Manny Menendez, representing Veterans Helping Veterans, testified in support of the bill.
Ginger Aber, representing herself, testified in support of the program.
Adrian Martinez, representing himself, testified in support of the program.
02:41:27 PM |
Randy Chase, representing himself, testified in support of the bill.
Ms. Adrienne Sanchez, representing Colorado Department of Corrections, was available to answer committee questions.
Committee members asked questions about staffing issues, rehabilitative programs, and recividism rates.
02:55:54 PM |
Senator Coleman asked for the bill to be laid over to Monday, February 27, to gather additional information.