EEE6FC9B82ED64A28725873B005D5EDF Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For TABOR CONSIDERATIONSINTERIM COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CONCERNING TAX POLICY & TASK FORCEDate Aug 24, 2021 Location HCR 0112 TABOR Considerations - Committee Discussion Only 10:59:53 AM The committee took a brief recess. 11:10:01 AM The committee reconvened. 11:10:18 AM Ed DeCecco, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, presented to the committee on various aspects of the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) for the committee to consider in its work. A copy of the presentation slides can be found here: Mr. DeCecco's presentation covered the following topics: - circumstances that require prior voter approval under TABOR, including new taxes, tax rate increases, increases in the assessment rate on classes of property, and tax policy changes that directly cause a net tax revenue gain to any district; - several court case decisions that may impact the committee's work; - circumstances that do not require prior voter approval under TABOR; - the election provisions that exist under TABOR; - the TABOR fiscal year spending limit; and - other considerations under TABOR. Throughout Mr. DeCecco's presentation, he responded to questions from the committee regarding impacts on TABOR refund requirements, TABOR's refund mechanisms, and the Referendum C cap, Mr. Sobetski returned to the table and responded to questions from the committee regarding the impact of the recent Census on the population adjustments to the TABOR limit.