Mr. David Woodruff, representing himself and the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, testified in support of SB 19-201. Mr. Woodruff addressed claims made during earlier testimony.
Dr. Wilson Pace, representing the Colorado Association of Family Physicians and the Colorado Medical Society, testified in support of the bill. Dr. Pace recounted an instance of medical malpractice, and explained how the bill might have brought some resolution. He also discussed the successes of a program in another jurisdiction engaging the practices facilitated by the bill.
Dr. Jean Martin, representing COPIC, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Martin provided further insight on the effect of the bill, and addressed questions that have arisen since the bill passed through the Senate.
Ms. Patty Skolnik, representing Citizens for Patient Safety, testified in support of the bill. Ms. Skolnik discussed the loss of her son to unnecessary surgery, and legislation that was inspired by this loss. She also provided further input on the effect of the SB 19-201. Discussion ensued regarding claims about the bill made during earlier discussion.