FB68DC5245CEDCE5872587AB0064E20D Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2021A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For OVERVIEW OF THE FY 2022-23 IT CAPITAL BUDGET REQUESTSJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Dec 14, 2021 Location SCR 352 Overview of the FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Requests - Committee Discussion Only 11:21:56 AM Ms. Altmann provided an overview of the role of the Joint Technology Committee in the state budget process. Her presentation may be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/4._legislative_council_staff_presentation_slides_0.pdf. She discussed the staff analysis of each project and the FY 2022-23 budget request list for prioritization. 11:26:28 AM Meredith Moon and Vanessa Reilly, representing the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), provided a presentation to the committee on the FY 2022-23 IT Capital budget requests. A copy of the presentation slides can be found here: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/5._ospb_presentation_... Ms. Moon and Ms. Reilly responded to questions from the committee regarding the scale of OIT's current R-01 technical debt budget request. Ms. Moon discussed the potential work with OIT to develop a roadmap of prioritized projects to address the state's technical debt. 11:47:02 AM Commissioner Eric Tucker, representing the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE), provided introductory remarks. Ashlee Pate, representing CCHE, discussed the FY 2022-23 IT Capital budget requests that have been submitted by institutions of higher education. Copies of the handouts can be found here: http://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/6._colorado_commission_on_higher_education_handouts.pdf Ms. Pate and Lauren Gilliland, representing CCHE, responded to questions from the committee regarding the use of federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) funding.