FBE28A7C43511B34872587D50077D075 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For FY 2022-23 IT CAPITAL BUDGET REQUEST: CDPHE STATIONARY SOURCES SOLUTION MODERNIZATIONJOINT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ON JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEEDate Jan 25, 2022 Location SCR 352 FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: CDPHE Stationary Sources Solution Modernization - Committee Discussion Only 02:48:43 PM The committee took a short recess. 02:49:24 PM The committee reconvened. 02:52:37 PM Representatives from the Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) presented to the committee on their FY 2022-23 IT Capital Budget Request: Stationary Sources Solution Modernization. The presentation can be found here: https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/cdphe_presentation_slides.pdf 02:53:51 PM Michael Ogletree, Division Director, Air Pollution Control Division, provided the committee with an overview of CDPHE's request. Director Ogletree also provided the committee with background information on the project, explaining why the department believes the request to be necessary. Director Ogletree also provided the committee with the anticipated outcomes and deliverables with the new project. 02:56:28 PM Representatives from CDPHE responded to questions from the committee about the development process for the project, including how the department identified which contractors to use. Director Ogletree explained that the department plans to utilize existing technology, while integrating the new technology for the project. Andrew Putnam, Environmental Information Manager, also explained that the department wishes to build the project in a modular format, in order to get new solutions implemented as they are developed. 03:00:47 PM Members of the committee asked representatives from CDPHE what user group they have in mind for the new project. Director Ogletree explained that the department has worked with both internal users and external users. Mr. Putnam then responded to questions regarding the order in which the various modules of the project will be implemented, and how the department determined this order.