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h_agr_2016a_2016-02-24t10:18:00z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 02/24/2016


BILL SUMMARY for HB16-1226


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10:18 AM -- HB 16-1226

Representatives Arndt and Young presented House Bill 16-1226, concerning a program for funding the development of agricultural businesses. The bill creates the Agricultural Development and Investment Partnership Program to be administered by the Agricultural Value-Added Development Board (board) in the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA). There are three different grant or reimbursement programs offered through the bill to qualified applicants. The programs include a proof-of-concept and feasibility study grant, an early-stage capital and business expansion grant, and a reimbursement of market development and promotion expenses. The bill sets basic requirements for the programs and authorizes the CDA to establish administration policies. The bill also authorizes the board to fund promotional programs for agriculture in the state. Representative Arndt distributed a fact sheet regarding the bill (Attachment A). Representative Young discussed the fiscal note, and stated that he is working with the Joint Budget Committee to find innovative ways to fund the provisions in the bill. Representatives Young and Arndt responded to questions from the committee regarding the bill, and committee discussion ensued.

160224 AttachA.pdf160224 AttachA.pdf

The following persons testified on the bill:

10:50 AM --
Kathy Rennels, Colorado State University (CSU), spoke in support of the bill and distributed a handout regarding Colorado's agricultural innovations (Attachment B) and a handout depicting the location of authors on scientific and trade publications in agriculture and agriculture innovators (Attachment C). Ms. Rennels responded to questions from the committee and committee discussion ensued regarding regions of the state that the bill would benefit.

160224 AttachB.pdf160224 AttachB.pdf160224 AttachC.pdf160224 AttachC.pdf

11:15 AM --
Chris Shapard, Executive Director, Colorado Cleantech, spoke in support of the bill and responded to questions from the committee.

11:22 AM --
Chris Wisemann, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Agriculture (CDA), stated that he was available to answer questions. Mr. Wisemann responded to questions from the committee regarding the bill and possible amendments to the bill.

11:26 AM --
Emily Ibach, Director of Public Policy and State of Affairs, Colorado Farm Bureau, spoke in support of the bill. Ms. Ibach and Representative Young responded to questions from the committee.

11:35 AM --
April Giles, President and CEO, Colorado Bioscience Association, spoke in support of the bill.

11:38 AM

Representative J Becker distributed Amendment L.001 (Attachment D), and Representative Arndt distributed testimony from Dr. Lisa Herickoff in support of the bill (Attachment E).

160224 AttachD.pdf160224 AttachD.pdf160224 AttachE.pdf160224 AttachE.pdf

11:41 AM

The committee recessed.

11:44 AM

The committee came back to order. The chair laid the bill over to March 2, 2015, upon adjournment.

11:47 AM

The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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