H_BUS_2017A 12/18/2017 10:02:30 AM Committee Summary
Date: | 12/18/2017 |
Time: | 10:02 AM to 03:42 PM |
Place: | RM 271 |
This Meeting was called to order by |
Senator Tate |
This Report was prepared by |
Neville T.
Jeanette Chapman |
Van Winkle
Williams A.
Williams D.
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call, R = Remote Participation
Bills Addressed: | Action Taken: | ||
Office of the State Auditor Office of Economic Development and International Trade Department of Regulatory Agencies Department of Personnel and Administration Department of Labor and Employment |
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only |
10:04 AM -- Office of the State Auditor
Carrie Hunter, Office of the State Auditor (OSA), introduced herself and her colleagues who were present to discuss recently completed audits pertinent to the Business committees' oversight.
10:06 AM -- Kate Shiroff, OSA, discussed the audit reports for the Office of Film, Television, and Media in the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT). She provided a handout to the committee summarizing the report (Attachment A). A copy of the full audit report may be found on the OSA website at http://leg.colorado.gov/audits/office-film-television-and-media. Ms. Shiroff responded to questions from the committee.
171218 AttachA.pdf
10:11 AM -- Vickie Heller, OSA, discussed the audit report for the Regional Tourism Act, also overseen by the OEDIT. She provided a handout to the committee summarizing the report (Attachment B). A copy of the full audit report may be found at the OSA website at http://leg.colorado.gov/audits/regional-tourism-act.
171218 AttachB.pdf
10:16 AM
Ms. Heller continued her presentation, discussing the Annual Report: Status of Outstanding Audit Recommendations as of June 30, 2017which details the status of audit recommendations for all state departments and identifies recommendations that remain incomplete. She provided a copy of the report to the committee, a copy of which is available on the OSA website at http://leg.colorado.gov/audits/annual-report-status-outstanding-audit-recommendations-june-30-2017
10:20 AM -- Marisa Edwards, OSA, discussed outstanding audit recommendations for the departments the committee oversees. She responded to questions from the committee.
10:27 AM -- Cindi Radke, OSA, came to the table to respond from questions from the committee.
10:29 AM
Ms. Edwards continued to respond to questions from the committee and completed her presentation.
10:33 AM -- Office of Economic Development and International Trade
Anna Ewing, Chief Operating Officer, Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), introduced herself and discussed the role of the office. She discussed the office's performance priorities for the year and their legislative agenda. She responded to questions from the committee.
11:09 AM
Ms. Ewing continued to respond to questions from the committee and completed her presentation.
11:12 AM -- Department of Regulatory Agencies
Marguerite Salazar, Executive Director, Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), introduced herself and provided a handout of materials to the committee (Attachment C). She discussed the department's role in regulatory reform and the department's performance plan. Ms. Salazar discussed Colorado's broadband deployment strategy and the state broadband office and reported on the status of the response to House Bill 17-1165, concerning agency disciplinary actions.
171218 AttachC.pdf
11:45 AM
Ms. Salazar responded to questions from the committee.
11:46 AM -- Karen McGovern, Division of Professions and Occupations, responded to questions from the committee.
11:49 AM -- Brian Shepherd, Colorado Broadband Office, responded to questions from the committee.
12:04 PM
Ms. Salazar continued to respond to questions from the committee.
12:17 PM
Ms. Salazar finished her presentation and the committee recessed.
01:32 PM -- Department of Personnel and Administration
The committee came back to order.
June Taylor, Executive Director, Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), introduced herself and provided four handouts to the committee (Attachments D, E, F, and G). She discussed the responsibilities of the department and the priorities for the coming year. Ms. Taylor responded to questions from the committee.
171218 AttachD.pdf
171218 AttachE.pdf
171218 AttachF.pdf
171218 AttachG.pdf
01:56 PM -- Bob Jaros, State Controller, DPA, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.
02:03 PM
Ms. Taylor continued to respond to questions from the committee.
02:05 PM -- Larry Freedberg, State Architect, DPA, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.
02:10 PM
The committee recessed.
02:21 PM -- Department of Labor and Employment
The committee came back to order.
Kristin Corash, Interim Executive Director, Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), introduced herself and her executive team members. She provided three handouts to the committee (Attachments H, I, and J). Ms. Corash discussed the responsibilities and the strategic initiatives of the department. She responded to questions from the committee.
171218 AttachH.pdf
171218 AttachI.pdf
171218 AttachJ.pdf
02:51 PM -- Jeff Fitzgerald, Director, Division of Unemployment Insurance, CDLE, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.
02:53 PM -- Matthew Blackman, Budget Director, CDLE, responded to questions from the committee.
03:03 PM
Ms. Corash discussed the department's legislative agenda for the 2018 session. She responded to questions from the committee.
03:07 PM -- Stephanie Veck, Director, Colorado Workforce Development Council, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.
03:19 PM
Ms. Corash continued her discussion of the CDLE's regulatory agenda and progress with the talent development network. She responded to questions from the committee.
03:29 PM -- Patrick Teegarden, Legislative Liaison, CDLE, came to the table to respond to questions from the committee.
03:34 PM
The committee continued to ask questions of Mr. Fitzgerald, Ms. Veck, and Ms. Corash.
03:41 PM
The committee adjourned.