h_ed_2017a_2017-01-10t09:03:22z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/10/2017
Location: RM 271
Presentation by Department of Higher Education
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10:29 AM -- Presentation by Department of Higher Education
Diane Duffy, Interim Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Higher Education (DHE), came to the table to begin her presentation. Several handouts were distributed to the committee (Attachments D, E, and F). Ms. Duffy discussed the department's strategic goals, Colorado's future labor market, the Colorado Commission of Higher Education Master Plan, the department's role in the higher education pipeline, the higher education funding allocation formula created pursuant to HB 14-1319, and provided an overview of the state's public higher education system.
10:43 AM
Ms. Duffy continued her presentation by focusing on accountability, credential completions for liberal arts, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), and Pell-eligible students, and the higher education challenges currently being faced by Colorado. She explained the department's fiscal year 2017-18 budget request, which represents a 2.5 percent operating budget increase. She stressed the importance of student financial aid that is provided by the state, and talked about the affordability challenges faced by students and families.
10:56 AM
Ms. Duffy answered questions from the committee.
11:07 AM
The committee adjourned.