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h_ed_2017a_2017-03-08t11:09:00z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 03/08/2017

Location: HCR 0112


Presentation by JBC Staff on Uniform Mill Levy Proposal


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11:10 AM -- Presentation by JBC Staff on Uniform Mill Levy Proposal

Craig Harper, Joint Budget Committee Staff, presented a taxpayer equity and uniform total program mill levy proposal. He provided a handout of his presentation (Attachment A). He discussed inequities among taxpayers education resources and a proposed uniform mill levy.


Mr. Harper answered questions from the committee regarding state funds to subsidize low mill levies. He discussed state funding and the role of uniform levels.

11:25 AM

Mr. Harper discussed the proposal that mills are uniform based on property value regardless of the location of the property within the state. He discussed the role of the state having to backfill funding because of the current disparities.

Mr. Harper answered questions from the committee regarding setting state funding at fixed percentages for school districts.

11:40 AM

Mr. Harper continued his presentation. He provided background information on assessed values and mill levies for properties. Mr. Harper also discussed the calculation that creates the state share for backfilling school district funding.

Mr. Harper discussed the history of school finance, the impact of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, the 2007 mill levy freeze, and the causes for inequaility in mill levies. He discussed the school districts he chose as case studies for the proposal: Aspen, Jefferson County, Adams, Primero, and Fort Morgan. Mr. Harper provided an overview of the mill levies in these districts and the state share for funding. He discussed the residential and non-residential property taxes and assessment rates.

11:55 AM

Committee discussion ensued.

Mr. Harper discussed the disparities in property tax rates in different school districts in Colorado.

12:10 PM

Mr. Harper discussed concerns regarding taxpayer equity, equity within school districts, and mill levy overrides. He discussed changes to school finance with an increase in funding from local revenues.

The committee members discussed funding from mill levy overrides.

12:21 PM

The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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