h_ed_2017a_2017-03-13t13:34:50z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/13/2017
Location: HCR 0112
BILL SUMMARY for HB17-1210
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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02:01 PM -- HB17-1210
Representative Lontine and Representative Buckner, co-sponsors, presented and summarized House Bill 17-1210 concerning the discipline of preschool through second grade students enrolled in publicly funded education programs.
The co-sponsors answered questions from the committee regarding the process for out-of-school suspensions.
02:11 PM
Representative Wilson spoke on the bill. He distributed a handout to the committee members (Attachment A).
02:21 PM
The co-sponsors continued to answer questions on discipline for early elementary education.
02:32 PM -- Eloisa Gonzalez, representing herself, testified in favor of the bill.
02:38 PM -- Lorena Limon, representing herself, testified in favor of the bill.
02:43 PM -- Sarah Davidon, representing herself, testified in favor of the bill. She answered questions from the committee.
02:53 PM
Ms. Davidon continued to answer questions from the committee.
02:58 PM -- Tom Boasberg, Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, testified in favor of the bill.
03:02 PM -- Dr. Eldrige Greer, Associate Chief of Student Equity for Denver Public Schools, testified in favor of the bill.