h_fin_2016a_2016-01-21t10:06:14z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/21/2016
Presentation by the Joint Budget Committee
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10:06 AM -- Call to Order
Senator Tim Neville, chair, called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.
10:07 AM -- Presentation by the Joint Budget Committee
Representative Hammner, chair of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC), introduced JBC committee members. Senator Grantham proceeded to discuss the FY 2016-17 Staff Budget Briefing Summary document (Attachment A). He discussed the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) budget requests, specifically concerning the Division of Motor Vehicles, the earned income tax credit, the cost of administering the Limited Gaming Program, and drivers licenses for the unlawfully present.
10:30 AM
Senator Grantham continued by discussing the Colorado Department of Treasury's budget request, specifically the senior citizen and disabled veteran property tax exemption.