h_hie_2016a_2016-01-07t09:04:04z3 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/07/2016
Presentation from the Regional Centers Task Force
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01:36 PM -- Presentation from the Regional Centers Task Force
Mark Wester, Director of the Office of Community Access and Independence, Department of Human Services, gave a brief overview of the Regional Center Task Force, which concluded its work in December. He provided a copy of the task force's final report to the committee (Attachment F). Mr. Wester discussed why the task force was formed and the task force membership.
160107 AttachF.pdf
01:39 PM
Mr. Wester discussed the charge of the task force. He explained the task force made ten recommendations in its final report. He discussed changes to Medicaid waivers, fully including services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and in the mental health system, and developing guidelines and training for mental health professionals to provide services to IDD population.
01:42 PM
Mr. Wester responded to inquiries about whether the recommendations would assist families with a child with an IDD. Legislators expressed concern about the reported population being served in the Grand Junction Regional Center campus and the cost for providing services for Intermediate Care Facilities. Mr. Wester explained the different services and beds located at the Grand Junction campus. He noted that the large campus in Grand Junction drives the cost and offered to provide more details on the cost to the committee.
01:54 PM
Mr. Wester described the population being served at the Pueblo and Wheat Ridge Regional Centers, in response to a legislator's question.
01:56 PM
Mr. Wester gave additional information about how successful transitions are defined, and noted that 92 percent of individuals have been successful in their placement in the community. He explained the Regional Center's emergency intake process. Mr. Wester concluded his presentation.