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H_HIE_2017A 01/19/2017 Committee Summary




Date: 01/19/2017
Time: 01:33 PM to 04:04 PM
Place: RM 271
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Singer
This Report was prepared by
Anne Wallace
Martinez Humenik
Michaelson Jenet
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Presentation - Child Protection Ombudsman Office

Presentation on Fiscal Notes and OLLS

Presentation - Colorado Health Institute

Presentation - Colorado Rural Health Center

Presentation - Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

01:35 PM -- Presentation - Child Protection Ombudsman Office

Stephanie Villafuerte, Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman, presented on the Colorado Child Protection Ombudsman Office (office). A handout was distributed to the committee (Attachment A). Ms. Villafuerte described the history and function of the office. She explained that the office became an independent state agency in the Judicial Branch in 2015 to act as a liaison between the public and child protection services. The office was previously located in the Department of Human Services. Ms. Villafuerte described the role of the office, which includes driving reform through collaboration, providing data analysis, and creating public awareness to protect children. She clarified that the office provides oversight of the Child Protection System, not solely the child welfare system.

170119 AttachA.pdf170119 AttachA.pdf

01:46 PM

Ms. Villafuerte went over statistics related to the number of calls the office receives and recommendations made to state departments. She summarized the statutory charge of the office and described typical calls to the office. Ms. Villafuerte reviewed the assessment of the office's FY 2016-17 Performance Plan. She described the office's SMART Act goals which include infrastructure building, increased accessibility, outreach and education, and staff growth. Ms. Villafuerte discussed the office's budget request for the FY 2016-17, and noted that the office does not have a legislative agenda.

01:51 PM

Ms. Villafuerte responded to questions regarding constituent concerns, demographics of the callers, and recommendations to state agencies. She noted that state agencies are receptive to the office's recommendations, and gave examples of recommendations. Ms. Villafuerte detailed the budget request for additional staff and salary adjustments. She responded to questions regarding outreach in rural locations, increase in calls to the office, and recommendations to the Judicial Department.

02:16 PM

Ms. Villafuerte responded to questions regarding an advisory council and different types of callers.

02:18 PM -- Presentation on Fiscal Notes and OLLS

Bill Zepernick, Legislative Council Staff, introduced the fiscal notes analysts that will work on bills related to health and human services. He explained the role of the fiscal analysts.

02:21 PM

Brita Darling, Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), presented to the committee and distributed a handout (Attachment B). She explained the duties of OLLS, which includes bill drafting, drafting amendments, explanation of legal effects of bills and amendments, and updating bill summaries.

170119 AttachB.pdf170119 AttachB.pdf

02:27 PM -- Presentation - Colorado Health Institute

Representative Ginal assumed the chair for the remainder of the meeting.

Allie Morgan, Colorado Health Institute (CHI), and Joe Hanel, CHI, explained the role of CHI to the committee. A handout was distributed to the committee (Attachment C). Mr. Hanel explained that CHI is able to provide Colorado-specific data to the legislators. He discussed CHI's funding. He noted that CHI is available for bill analysis, presentations to constituents, and ballot initiatives analysis. Ms. Morgan described a recent CHI report to the committee.

170119 AttachC.pdf170119 AttachC.pdf

02:37 PM

Mr. Hanel responded to questions from the committee regarding federal counterparts, data sources, and Medicaid block grants.

02:42 PM -- Presentation - Colorado Rural Health Center

Kelly Erb, Colorado Rural Health Center (CRHC), presented to the committee and distributed a handout (Attachment D). She described the purpose of the CRHC, and the stakeholders that they represent. She went over statistics related to Colorado's rural population, economy, and access to healthcare.

170119 AttachD.pdf170119 AttachD.pdf

02:52 PM

Ms. Erb played a video for the committee on health care systems in rural Colorado.

03:05 PM

Ms. Erb responded to questions from the committee regarding Medicaid expansion repeal, the hospital provider fee, and rural health center staff requirements. She continued to respond to questions regarding EMS services and effects of the possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

03:21 PM

Ms. Erb continued to discuss funding challenges and incentives for rural healthcare facilities with the committee.

03:26 PM -- Presentation - Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging

Jim Reisberg, Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging, presented to the committee. Mr. Reisberg explained the planning group's membership and charge. He discussed three themes that emerged from the planning group's public conversations, including reframing the impression of aging, helping people to change their habits to make positive healthcare choices, and encouraging coordination and collaboration among the volunteer community. Mr. Reisberg went over statistics on Colorado's aging population.

03:31 PM

Mr. Reisberg went over the goals of the planning group. He discussed the recommendations that the planning group developed, which include:

      • creating a permanent, high-level office or position on aging within the Executive Branch;
      • helping to increase the retirement savings of Coloradans;
      • supporting efforts to create a Universal Design Certification program;
      • supporting the Colorado Department of Transportation's State Coordinating Council and reviewing transportation funding for strategies to include seniors;
      • making changes to the workforce to ensure family leave and making things easier for caregivers;
      • protecting seniors from fraud, abuse, neglect, exploitation, and predatory practices; and
      • promoting mental health first aid training for all essential personnel.

03:48 PM

Mr. Reisburg explained how the planning group gathered their research on aging. He referenced a document from the Council of State Governments that discusses other states' responses to aging populations. He noted that members of the planning group are willing to go out into the community to discusses their final report.

03:55 PM

Mr. Reisberg responded to questions regarding collaboration of working groups on aging, housing for seniors, and financial elder abuse laws.

04:04 PM

Representative Ginal adjourned the meeting.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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The Legislative Council Committee hearing, along with the House of Representatives and Senate, will commence one hour later than scheduled today due to inclement weather conditions.