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H_LG_2017A 01/26/2017 Committee Summary




Date: 01/26/2017
Time: 09:51 AM to 12:14 PM
Place: RM 271
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Lebsock
This Report was prepared by
David Beaujon
Martinez Humenik
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:

Joint Rule 25 Briefing by Joint Budget Committee on Department of Local Aff

Presentation by Fiscal Note Staff

Presentation by Legislative Legal Services Staff

Introductions and Legislative Agendas for Assocations of Local Governments





09:53 AM -- E-470 Public Highway Authority

Tim Stewart, Executive Director, E-470 Public Highway Authority, discussed the role and governance of the E-470 Public Highway Authority (Attachment A). The E-470 Public Highway Authority is a political subdivision of the State of Colorado that is governed by a board o​f directors consisting of eight voting member jurisdictions: Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas counties and the municipalities of Aurora, Brighton, Commerce City, Thornton, and Parker. Mr. Stewart also discussed proposed expansions of toll roads in Colorado and responded to questions from the committee about such expansions.

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10:02 AM -- Joint Rule 25 Briefing by Joint Budget Committee on Department of Local Affairs

Senator Lambert, Chair of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC), introduced the JBC members and staff.

10:06 AM

Representative Rankin, JBC member, discussed the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) budget request for FY 2017-18 (Attachment B). He also highlighted decision items in this request. For example, the department is requesting an increase of $2,000,000 General Fund moneys for affordable housing grants and loans. By increasing state support from the current $8.2 million General Fund, the Department anticipates that it will support development of an additional 250 units. Representative Rankin responded to questions from the committee about the impact of marijuana legalization on affordable housing, housing for persons recovering from drug addiction, and other issues. He also discussed the allocation of marijuana tax revenue for school capital construction projects and other purposes.

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10:16 AM

Representative Hamner, JBC member, discussed proposals to address homelessness and explained that the JBC could not agree on legislation to implement R2, R3, and R4 decision items. R2 is a request for $104,927 reappropriated funds from energy and mineral impact assistance funds (severance tax and federal mineral lease receipts) to hire 1.0 FTE to coordinate state
resources in rural communities. R3 is a request for ongoing support of $4,000,000 per year from the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund and 1.0 FTE to support the development of permanent supportive housing units (housing with intensive support services) for behavioral health consumers. R4 is a request for $12,319,900 per year from the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund and 1.0 FTE to support permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing initiatives.

10:24 AM

Representative Hamner responded to questions from the committee about the department's request for additional General Fund moneys for affordable housing grants and loans.. Representative Rankin discussed decision item R5 concerning mitigation of impacts related to the closure of the Kit Carson Correctional Center. Senator Lambert discussed prior appropriations to keep the prison open and to mitigate the impact of its closure. He also discussed the effect of declining severance tax revenue on local governments due to declines in the price of oil and gas and the implementation of Senate Bill 16-218. He also identified factors that enable grey markets in marijuana including high taxes and inability of operators of dispensaries and related facilities to use banks.

10:39 AM

Senator Lambert discussed the new Trump administration and how it may affect marijuana legalization and affordable housing in Colorado. Representative Hamner discussed the Gallagher Amendment and its effect on state funding obligations for local governments and schools. The Gallagher Amendment, passed in 1982, maintains a constant ratio between the property tax revenue that comes from residential property and from business property. The amendment reduces the assessment rate (the percent of property value that is subject to taxation) whenever statewide total residential property values increased faster than business property values. Representative Rankin discussed legislation proposed by the Governor to address a revenue shortfall, including legislation to reduce the senior property tax exemption.

10:56 AM -- Presentation by Fiscal Note Staff

Chris Chreighton and Josh Abrahms, Fiscal Notes Staff for Legislative Council, discussed the preparation of fiscal notes and other services provided by the Fiscal Note Staff to the legislature. They also responded to questions from the committee about factors considered when drafting fiscal notes.

11:01 AM -- Presentation by Legislative Legal Services Staff

Gregg Fraser and Bob Lackner, attorneys with the Office of Legislative Legal Services, discussed the bill drafting process and identified other services provided by their office.

11:04 AM -- Introductions and Legislative Agendas for Associations of Local Government Officials

Michael Valdez, Special District Association of Colorado (Attachment C), Gini Pingenot, Colorado Counties, Inc. (Attachment D), and Meghan Dollar, Colorado Municipal League (Attachment E) discussed the role of their organizations and the government officials that their organizations represent. They also discussed their organizations' 2017 legislative agendas.

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11:20 AM

Pam Bacon, President (Logan County Clerk) Matt Crane, Past President (Arapahoe Clerk), and Lori Mitchell, Vice President (Chaffee Clerk), representing the County Clerks Association, discussed the role of county clerks and identified their organization's 2017 legislative agenda. They also responded to questions from the committee about voter fraud in Colorado.

11:28 AM

Diane Holbert (Douglas County Treasurer) and Tim Kaufman (Jefferson County Treasurer), representing the Colorado County Treasurers Association, discussed the role of county treasurers and identified their organization's 2017 legislative agenda.

11:34 AM

Brita Horn (Route County Trustee) and Karla Bagley (Garfield County Public Trustee), representing the Public Trustee Association of Colorado, discussed the role of public trustees and identified their organization's 2017 legislative agenda.

11:42 AM

Warren Ward (Grand County Surveyor) and Paul Baucus, representing the Professional Land Surveyors of Colorado, discussed the role of county surveyors and identified their organization's 2017 legislative agenda.

11:52 AM

Randy Keller (Fremont County Coroner), representing Colorado Coroners Association, discussed the role of county coroners and identified the association's 2017 legislative agenda.

11:59 AM

Chris Johnson, Executive Director, County Sheriffs of Colorado and Garry Briese, Executive Director of Colorado State Fire Chiefs (Attachment F), discussed the role their organizations and identified their organizations' 2017 legislative agenda.

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12:07 PM

Richard Orf, Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado, described the role of his organization and discussed its 2017 legislative agenda.

12:08 PM

Keith Erffmeyer (Denver County Assessor) and Corbin Sakdol, Executive Director, Colorado Assessors’ Association, discussed the role of assessors and identified their association's 2017 legislative agenda.

12:14 PM

The committee adjourned.

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