h_phc_2017a_2017-02-28t13:33:50z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 02/28/2017
Location: RM 271
BILL SUMMARY for HB17-1185
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01:34 PM -- HB 17-1185
Representative Singer called the meeting to order and commented on committee procedures.
Representative Singer, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 17-1185 to the committee. The bill adds officials and employees of county departments of health, human services, or social services to the list of mandatory reporters of child abuse. It also allows these county employees to receive certain follow up information about children about whom they file a report of child abuse or neglect if they continue to be officially and professionally involved in the ongoing care of the child. The bill expands the period for county departments of human services to provide such follow up information to all eligible mandatory reports from 30 days to 60 days after the report of child abuse and neglect is filed.
01:43 PM -- Allison Daley, Colorado Counties, Inc., testified in opposition to the bill. She described a technical concern with the bill.
01:45 PM -- Lynnae Flora, Jefferson County and Colorado Counties, Inc., testified in opposition to the bill. She expressed her concern that the definition of county workers is too broad.
01:47 PM
Ms. Daley and Ms. Flora responded to a question. Representative Singer commented on a potential amendment to the bill.
01:50 PM -- Sarah Carrasco, representing herself, testified in a neutral capacity on the bill. Ms. Carrasco responded to questions from the committee.
01:59 PM -- Phil Silberman, Colorado Coalition for Vaccine Choice, testified in a neutral position on the bill.
02:03 PM -- Megan Davis, Boulder County, testified in support of the bill.
02:06 PM -- Missy Winefeldt, representing herself, testified in a neutral position on the bill.
02:09 PM -- Pam Long, representing herself, testified in a neutral position on the bill. She distributed a handout (Attachment A).
170228 AttachA.pdf
02:14 PM -- Dr. Robert Werthwein, Colorado Department of Human Services, testified in support of the bill. Dr. Werthwein responded to questions from the committee regarding the definition of child abuse and neglect and child welfare reporting data. The committee continued to discuss the bill with Dr. Werthwein and Representative Singer.
02:27 PM
Representative Ginal laid over the bill at the request of the sponsor, and called a brief recess.