h_sa_2017a_2017-04-05t14:19:49z6 Hearing Summary
Date: 04/05/2017
Location: LSB A
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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05:17 PM -- SB17-209
Representative Weissman, bill sponsor, presented Senate Bill 17-209. The bill makes the following changes related to candidate access to the ballot and the filling of candidate vacancies:
• Designated election officials are prohibited from certifying a candidate for placement on the ballot if the official deems the candidate is unqualified based on residency requirements following a review of the candidate's residency information contained in the statewide voter registration system.
• The time frame for circulating candidate petitions to designate party candidates at a primary election is changed to allow circulation starting on the first Monday in January and require them to be filed by the last day in February.
• The Department of State is authorized to create rules allowing for circulator affidavits with an error to be cured by providing a new, corrected affidavit within five days of receiving notice of the error.
• A party chairperson is authorized to provide notice of a vacancy committee meeting to committee members by email.
• Designated election officials are required to post notice of a candidate vacancy and the name of the replacement on their website and in each voter service and polling center.
• Statutes pertaining to the process for filling candidate vacancies before and after a primary election are reorganized.
Representative Weissman provided a handout to the committee (Attachment C).
05:23 PM -- Suzanne Staiert, Department of State, testified in support of the bill.
05:27 PM -- Ben Schler, Department of State, testified in support of the bill.
05:27 PM
Ms. Staiert, Representative Weissman, and Mr. Schler answered questions from the committee.
05:47 PM
Representative Weissman made additional comments about the bill to the committee. The bill was laid over at the sponsor's request to a date to be determined.
05:48 PM
The committee adjourned.