H_TRA_2018A 03/22/2018 11:15:04 AM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGHOUSE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION & ENERGY Date 03/22/2018 Attendance Becker J. X Bridges X Buck X Carver * Esgar X Ginal X Hansen X Jackson X Lawrence X Lewis * Roberts X McLachlan X Winter * Time 11:15:04 AM to 11:53:15 AM Place HCR 0112 This Meeting was called to order by Winter This Report was prepared by Katie Ruedebusch Hearing Items Action Taken hHB18-1299 Committee Discussion Only hHB18-1270 Referred to the Committee of the Whole HB18-1299 - Committee Discussion Only 11:15:16 AM Reps. Bridges and Neville introduced House Bill 18-1299. The bill creates a framework for the Department of Revenue to establish electronic processing for issuing certificates of title, filing or releasing liens, or registering vehicles, subject to the department promulgating rules. 11:18:35 AM Mr. Travis Hoxie, representing Enterprise Holdings, testified in support of the bill. 11:20:04 AM Reps. Bridges and Neville gave some closing remarks on the bill. The bill was laid over to a future date for action only. HB18-1270 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole Attachment Tag File Name Attachment http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2018A/commsumm.nsf/0/941C5A444BB8...$File/180322 AttachA.pdf?OpenElement 180322 AttachA.pdf 11:23:06 AM Reps. Hansen and J. Becker introduced House Bill 18-1270. The bill directs the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), by February 1, 2019, to consider whether to establish, by rule as part of the planning process, mechanisms for the procurement of energy storage systems by investor-owned electric utilities. If the PUC decides to establish mechanisms for the procurement of energy storage systems by electric utilities, it must adopt rules establishing mechanisms for evaluating the acquisition of energy storage systems into the planning process. Rep. Hansen distributed a fact sheet to the committee [Attachment A]. 11:29:05 AM Mr. Jonathan W. Postal, representing Nikola Power and the Colorado Cleantech Industries Association, testified in support of the bill. He answered several committee questions. 11:31:20 AM Ms. Alice Jackson, representing Xcel Energy, testified in support of the bill. She answered several committee questions. 11:38:25 AM Mr. John Fernandes, representing Ivenergy, testified in support of the bill. 11:45:02 AM Mr. Mark Detsky, representing the Colorado Independent Energy Association, testified in support of the bill. 11:47:41 AM Mr. Jonathan Koehn, representing Colorado Communities for Climate Action, testified in support of the bill. 11:51:15 AM Reps. Hansen and J. Becker gave some closing remarks on the bill. 11:53:03 AM Motion Refer House Bill 18-1270 to the Committee of the Whole. Moved Hansen Seconded Becker J. Becker J. Yes Bridges Yes Buck Yes Carver Yes Esgar Yes Ginal Yes Hansen Yes Jackson Yes Lawrence Yes Lewis Yes Roberts Yes McLachlan Yes Winter Yes Final YES: 13 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS 11:53:15 AM Committee Adjourned