I_JailStandardsCommission_2022A 09/09/2022 10:08:12 AM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGINTERIM COMMITTEE COLORADO JAIL STANDARDS COMMISSION Date 09/09/2022 Attendance Taj Ashaheed X Vincent Atchity X Candice Bailey X Commissioner Warren Brown * Sheriff Allen Cooper E Sheriff Garth Crowther E Division Chief Greg Demo X Undersheriff Sam Fief E Joy Hart X James Karbach X Denise Maes E Christina O'Neill X Janelle Orozco E Commissioner Tamara Pogue X Sheriff Steve Reams X Jack Reed X Stoney Roberts X Lindsay Saunders-Velez E Henry Solano E Joel Watts X Carl Anderson X Meghan Baker X Time 10:08:12 AM to 12:00:46 PM Place Old State Library This Meeting was called to order by Meghan Baker This Report was prepared by Elizabeth Burger Hearing Items Action Taken hSubgroup 1 Round 1 Presentation of Draft Standards Committee Discussion Only hDiscuss Plans for October Meeting Committee Discussion Only Subgroup 1 Round 1 Presentation of Draft Standards - Committee Discussion Only 10:08:26 AM Chair Baker called the meeting to order; there was a quorum. Chair Baker introduced a new commission member, Division Chief Greg Demo, who was appointed to the commission after the resignation of Sheriff Mobley, and announced that Sheriff Cooper is the new vice-chair of the commission. Chair Baker reviewed the process for discussing subgroup 1's draft standards on health care, mental and behavioral health care, and dental care. The draft standards can be found here: https://app.box.com/folder/170502627929. She discussed the process of revising the draft standards in preparation for final approval at the October meeting. She invited other commission members to join subgroup 1's weekly meetings. 10:15:27 AM The commission began review of the draft standards and responded to questions regarding: community standards of care and references within the draft standards. The commission discussed how the standards could apply to jails of different sizes, jail furloughs and whether the commission should separately address that issue, and the consistent use of the term "persons experiencing incarceration" throughout the standards. Commission discussion continued regarding telehealth services, involuntary administration of medications, incompetency proceedings. Commissioners commented on the health providers available at jails of various sizes, noting that many jails do not have medical staff onsite 24/7. Discussion continued regarding self-administration of medications within jails, adding language to standards regarding maternal health, reporting requirements for inmate deaths, and jail disciplinary hearings. 11:43:06 AM Mr. Atchity discussed the potential inequity of having different jail standards in different areas of the state. The commission discussed equity and funding in jail standards, and how funding affects the ability of jails of different sizes to adopt similar standards. Mr. Karbach discussed the size of the jail population that may require jails to employ additional health care providers, the time period for the jails to comply with standards, and the various risks that jails of different sizes face. 11:46:43 AM Chair Baker discussed Mr. Karbach's comments. She asked county and sheriff representatives on the commission to flag areas in which compliance with the proposed standards could be difficult. She also suggested that the commission explore state funding of certain jail services and how persons in jails can be moved to other settings. 11:49:25 AM Chair Baker reviewed the process for further revision of the group's draft standards. Discuss Plans for October Meeting - Committee Discussion Only 11:50:32 AM Chair Baker reviewed the procedures for the October meeting of the commission, noting that there will presentations by subgroups 2, 3, and 4. Subgroups presenting standards must post standards in advance of the meeting and Chair Baker asked that the commissioners take the time to review the standards and make comments prior to the next commission meeting. The commission discussed procedures for approval of the final draft standards. The other subgroups gave updates. Ms. Bailey noted that she is the interim chair for subgroup 4, and they are struggling to find a meeting time. Chair Baker asked for the group to reach out to Chair Baker and Representative Amabile so that they may help convene the group. Mr. Karbach noted that Subgroup 2 is working on visitation standards, and noted that, while the drafts will be available prior to the next full commission meeting, there may not be much time between when they are available and the meeting. Subgroup 3 is drafting food service recommendations to present at the next meeting. 12:00:46 PM The committee adjourned.