i_opioidsubstance_2017a_2017-08-22t09:36:32z7 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/22/2017
Location: RM 271
Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment
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04:02 PM -- Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment
Carolyn Swenson, Peer Assistance Services, Inc., provided a handout (Attachment K) and discussed the role of health professionals in addressing substance use disorders, and Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). She explained that the SBIRT model of early intervention and treatment can improve health outcomes for adults and adolescents. She discussed the health effects of the misuse of alcohol. She discussed the results from SBIRT screenings in Colorado. Ms. Swenson told the committee that there was measurable reduction in alcohol and cannabis use when the provider discussed the use with the patient.
04:19 PM
Cyrille Adam, Kognito Solutions, referred to Attachment K throughout his presentation. He told the committee that conversations can improve social, emotional , and physical health. He explained that the Kognito simulations prepare health professionals to effectively lead real-life conversation that drive measurable improvement in health behaviors.
04:29 PM
Mr. Adam continued by discussing the One Degree application that allows anyone to practice conversations with a virtual peer who uses substances in unhealthy ways. He showed the committee the online simulation tool that prepares health professionals and others to effectively lead real-life conversations about substance misuse. Committee members commented on the interest of healthcare providers to discuss substance use with patients, and the gaps in training for providers.
04:45 PM
The committee dialogued with Mr. Adam and Ms. Swenson about the tools provided by Kognito Solutions.