i_opioidsubstance_2017a_2017-09-12t09:06:11z3 Hearing Summary
Date: 09/12/2017
Location: RM 271
Problem-Solving Courts
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10:58 AM -- Problem-Solving Courts
Terry Scanlon and Brenidy Rice, Office of the State Court Administration, presented on the problem solving court system in Colorado and distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment G). Ms. Rice described the history of problem solving courts in the U.S. She described how an individual moves through the judicial system and enters into a drug court. Ms. Rice explained the resources and referrals that are offered through a drug court and described the responsibilities of the individual involved in the drug court process. She explained that a majority of prison inmates have been charged with a drug offenses, and a large number of inmates have a substance use issue.
11:14 AM
Ms. Rice provided statistics on reduction in recidivism and cost effectiveness of drug courts. She provided data on the type, number, and location of problem solving courts in Colorado.
11:21 AM
Ms. Rice responded to questions regarding the definition of competency and marijuana legalization. She responded to additional questions about reasons for lack of successful completion of drug courts and sanctions for relapsing while participating in drug court.