i_sentencingreform_2017a_2017-08-09t09:04:26z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/09/2017
Location: SCR 357
CCJJ on Mandatory Minimums, Extraordinary Risk, Parole
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09:49 AM -- CCJJ on Mandatory Minimums, Extraordinary Risk, Parole
Mr. Doug Wilson, State Public Defender, and Ms. Kim English, Research Director, Office of Research and Statistics, Division of Criminal Justice within the Department of Public Safety, addressed the committee on certain issues germane to the committee's charge from the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) perspective. Committee members received an overview of legislative recommendations made by CCJJ during its tenure (Attachment D). Mr. Wilson discussed these recommendations, and responded to questions regarding the processes observed by CCJJ. Committee members also received two packets of slides providing the basis for the presentation (Attachments E and F), and recommendations brought to CCJJ by its various task forces (Attachments G, H, and I). Mr. Wilson responded to questions regarding who participated in making these recommendations.
170809 AttachD.pdf
170809 AttachE.pdf
170809 AttachF.pdf
170809 AttachG.pdf
170809 AttachH.pdf
170809 AttachI.pdf
10:00 AM
Mr. Wilson returned to addressing the committee on legislative recommendations made by CCJJ. Mr. Wilson responded to questions regarding action taken by CCJJ on the legislative recommendations, and the sentencing ranges proposed by CCJJ. Discussion ensued regarding the potential for simplifying and clarifying Colorado's sentencing scheme, including increasing judicial discretion.
10:19 AM
Mr. Wilson briefed the committee on the recommendations made by CCJJ in Attachments H and I. Mr. Wilson responded to questions regarding a change from time-based sentencing to risk-based sentencing by one of the recommendations. Discussion returned to judicial discretion in sentencing.
10:35 AM
Discussion ensued regarding the rate of sentencing for certain crimes of violence. Discussion returned to judicial discretion.