I_SFinance_2019A 12/16/2019 12:03:52 PM Committee Summary PUBLICSTAFF SUMMARY OF MEETINGINTERIM COMMITTEE LEGISLATIVE INTERIM COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL FINANCE Date 12/16/2019 Attendance Baisley X Bird X Bridges X Geitner X Sonnenberg X Todd X Wilson X Zenzinger X Lundeen X McCluskie X X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call Time 12:03:52 PM to 02:42:50 PM Place HCR 0112 This Meeting was called to order by Representative McCluskie This Report was prepared by Anna Gerstle Hearing Items Action Taken h hCommittee discussion of bill draft Committee Discussion Only 12:03:58 PM Representative McCluskie, chair, called the meeting to order and made opening remarks regarding the work of the committee and the committee's bill draft. She discussed the plan for the meeting. 12:07:50 PM Senator Lundeen, vice-chair, made opening remarks. Committee discussion of bill draft - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2019A/commsumm.nsf/0/037A9C3C337B...$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf Attachment B http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2019A/commsumm.nsf/0/E98C0CC5E2A6...$File/Attachment B.pdf?OpenElement Attachment B.pdf 12:10:08 PM Brita Darling, Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided an overview of the draft bill (Attachment A). She walked through changes to definitions and components of the school finance formula. She provided a handout to the committee that outlined the elements of the draft bill. (Attachment B.) 12:17:03 PM The committee asked questions of Ms. Darling related to the draft of the bill. Specifically, they asked about budget stabilization factor, and accounting for what fits under Amendment 23. Ms. Darling responded to questions. 12:33:28 PM The committee continued to ask questions of Ms. Darling. Specifically, they asked about the student support funding, multi-district online students, and the size factor components of the bill. 12:35:04 PM The committee continued to ask questions of Ms. Darling regarding provisions in the bill related to procedures when a district reorganizes or consolidates. 12:36:31 PM Ms. Darling responded to additional questions from the committee regarding minimum per pupil funding. 12:39:31 PM Marc Carey, Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions from the committee related to the 459 smoothing in the size factor. 12:40:34 PM Senator Lundeen introduced his approach to filling in the blanks in the bill draft, using the online simulation tool created by EdBuild. He discussed his preferred weights for formula factors. 12:52:11 PM Senator Lundeen continued walking the committee through his approach to filling in the bill draft. He discussed cost of living and size factors. 12:52:37 PM Ms. Rebecca Sibilia, EdBuild, responded to questions from the committee on the simulation tool related to how hold harmless funding, the budget stabilization factor, and current funding levels are represented in the tool. 12:59:30 PM Ms. Sibilia responded to questions concerning the budget stabilization factor. Mr. Carey returned to the table to respond to a committee question with Mr. Richmond and Senator Lundeen adding thier thoughts. 01:04:57 PM Senator Lundeen continued to discuss his approach to formula changes. Ms. Sibilia answered clarifying questions concerning the tool and projections that the tool makes. Senator Lundeen and other committee members commented on the proposed formula. 01:08:46 PM The committee asked Ms. Sibilia about students who qualify for free and reduced price lunch. Members of the committee commented on the proposed changes to the formula. 01:11:20 PM Representative McCluskie walked the committee through her approach to filling in the blanks in the bill draft, using the EdBuild simulation tool. She discussed a second version of the tool with some modifications to match her proposed formula inputs. She discussed her proposed weights for formula factors, as well as her approach to cost of living and averaging components. 01:16:04 PM Ms. Sibilia and Mr. Richmond responded to clarifying questions about the cost of proposed formula changes from the committee. 01:24:33 PM The committee discussed declining enrollment in districts and the impact of averaging enrollment. Representative McCluskie responded. 01:32:47 PM Mr. Richmond responded to questions regarding the size factor, including complications and the need for a standardized model. 01:36:17 PM Representative McCluskie discussed some potential outcomes for school districts under this formula. The committee made additional comments. 01:41:01 PM Ms. Sibilia responded to questions from the committee about a three-tiered special education funding model. Representative McCluskie added to the response. 01:44:10 PM Mr. Richmond responded to question from the committee about averaging over a five-year look back period. 01:49:12 PM The committee recessed. Committee discussion of bill draft - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment C http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2019A/commsumm.nsf/0/82D42C88811B...$File/Attachment C.pdf?OpenElement Attachment C.pdf 02:03:29 PM The committee came back to order. 02:06:23 PM Representative McCluskie opened the conversation up for further discussion. Ms. Sibilia responded to questions from the committee about which weights would apply when a student qualifies in multiple categories. 02:08:51 PM Representative Bird discussed and distributed a document with suggested wording for the draft bill (Attachment C). She answered questions from the committee. 02:12:07 PM Senator Bridges made general comments on the bill. Senator Lundeen commented on the EdBuild simulation tool. 02:18:55 PM Senator Todd commented on the draft bill. 02:19:19 PM Senator Sonnenberg commented on the bill draft. 02:22:43 PM Representative Wilson commented on the draft bill and its path forward. 02:27:05 PM Senator Lundeen and Representative McCluskie made final comments regarding the draft bill and the committee. The committee discussed next steps. Mr. Carey returned to the table to respond to a question regarding a fiscal note for the bill draft. Mr. Richmond and Ms Sibilia responded to committee questions. 02:42:50 PM The committee adjourned.