i_taxtask_2017a_2017-11-01t10:01:16z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 11/01/2017
Location: RM 271
Presentation from the Statewide Internet Portal Authority
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10:02 AM
Representative Kraft-Tharp made introductory remarks.
Mr. Brendon Reese, Department of Revenue, discussed meetings the department has held with Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI) and the Colorado Municipal League (CML) to discuss inaccuracies in the mapping programs. Mr. Reese discussed the work the department is currently doing to develop a process through which local jurisdictions would be able to provide information to certified vendors related to the mapping functions to improve accuracy.
10:05 AM -- Presentation from the Statewide Internet Portal Authority
Jack Arrowsmith, Executive Director of the Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA), discussed the role of SIPA.
A copy of the presentation is provided in Attachment A.
Attachment A.pdf
SIPA was created by legislation in 2004 and the authority's responsibility is to connect citizens to government through technology. SIPA provides payment processing for approximately 250 entities throughout Colorado, including the state and local governments. SIPA also provides websites to state and local governments in Colorado at no charge.
Mr. Arrowsmith discussed SIPA's experience working with Grand Junction in developing a sales tax collection system. Once the system was developed, SIPA obtained the system's intellectual property rights and is currently working to market the system to other small to midsize municipalities in Colorado.
Krista Erickson, CEO of Antero CRM, continued the presentation. Antero CRM is the partner used by SIPA to implement the sales tax collection system. Ms. Erickson discussed the use of the Salesforce.com platform in developing the system and the benefits of the system, including the customizability of the system and the self-service portal that can be used by businesses and local government administrators.
Ms. Erickson provided a demonstration of the online sales tax portal, which presented how government administrators and businesses are able to interact with the system.
Ms. Erickson and Mr. Arrowsmith responded to task force questions related to the training required to administer the system; what municipalities are using, or are interested in using, the system; how the system has been funded; and other capabilities of the system.