i_wrrc_2016a_2016-08-02t14:07:00z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/02/2016
Aquatic Nuisance Species
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03:37 PM -- Aquatic Nuisance Species
The committee reconvened. Elizabeth Brown, Aquatic Nuisance Species Coordinator, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), discussed CPW's aquatic nuisance species program. Committee members received two brochures and two fact sheets related to aquatic nuisance species (Attachments C, D, E, and F). Ms. Brown discussed recent quagga mussels found on boats in Colorado. Committee members also received a scientific and technical report from CMU related to the tamarisk beetle in the Colorado River basin (Attachment G).
Attachment C.pdf
Attachment D.pdf
Attachment E.pdf
Attachment F.pdf
Attachment G.pdf
03:49 PM
Ms. Brown also discussed the impact of severance tax revenue on certain aquatic nuisance species programs. Committee discussion ensued on the types of watercraft regulated by CPW, legislation that was recently postponed indefinitely related to sea planes, and partnerships with the Bureau of Reclamation and other neighboring states.