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J_CDC_2017A 12/20/2016 Committee Summary




Date: 12/20/2016
Time: 09:02 AM to 04:11 PM
Place: LSB B
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Esgar
This Report was prepared by
Kori Donaldson
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Department of Corrections

Department of Transportation

Adams State University

Metropolitan State University of Denver

University of Colorado System Overview

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

University of Colorado at Boulder

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

University of Colorado Denver

Department of Human Services

Western State Colorado University

Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Budget Requests

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Property Transaction
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Laid Over

09:02 AM -- Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Major General H. Michael Edwards, Adjutant General of Colorado, and Mickey Hunt, Deputy Executive Director, both representing the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), presented one FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Grand Junction Veterans One-Stop Remodel. Committee members received a handout about the project from the department (Attachment A). Mr. Hunt discussed veterans services that would be offered at the vacant National Guard armory if the project is approved. Mr. Hunt responded to committee questions regarding the committee's recent visit to the vacant armory, current access to veterans services in the Grand Junction area, and potential cost share agreements with other organizations to provide veterans services. Mr. Hunt also discussed a potential pastorship with the local Veterans Administration hospital.

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09:14 AM

Mr. Hunt responded to additional committee questions regarding potential cost savings created by the project, the department's recent controlled maintenance efforts, and commitments from non-profit organizations to be housed at the armory. Mr. Hunt discussed other potential programs that could be offered at the armory, including urban gardening.

09:21 AM -- Department of Corrections

Scott Lancaster, Physical Plant Manager, Limon Correctional Facility, and Dennis Dunsmoor, Colorado Correctional Industries (CCi), presented the department's FY 2017-18 capital budget requests: Hot Water Loop Replacement, Limon Correctional Facility (Capital Renewal) and Correctional Industries - Miscellaneous Small Projects. Mr. Lancaster described critical issues with the hot water loop system at Limon Correctional Facility, including leaks, temperature swings, and pressure losses. Committee members received pictures of the hot water loop system (Attachment B).

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09:29 AM

Mr. Lancaster responded to a committee question regarding the cost of a recent repair to the hot water loop system. He also discussed emergency procedures that were put into place during the repair and responded to committee questions regarding potential construction phasing for the project and the critical nature of the project.

09:37 AM

Mr. Dunsmoor discussed the ongoing cash-funded request for CCi miscellaneous small capital projects.

09:38 AM -- Department of Transportation

Joshua Laipply, Chief Engineer, and Andy Karsian, Legislative Liaison, both representing the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) presented the department's FY 2017-18 capital budget requests: I-70 Glenwood Canyon Rockfall Fence Improvements, Automated I-70 Avalanche Reduction System, and US 550 Bondad Hill Rockfall Mitigation.

09:50 AM

Mr. Laipply responded to committee questions regarding the Automated I-70 Avalanche Reduction System project. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, responded to a committee question regarding the prioritization of CDOT's capital budget requests. Committee discussion ensued on the department's prioritization of its capital budget requests, as well as the source of funds for such projects. Ms. Donaldson responded to a committee question regarding the recommended General Fund Exempt Account transfer to the Capital Construction Fund ($500,000).

09:58 AM

Committee discussion ensued on how CDOT prioritizes other safety projects. Mr. Laipply discussed CDOT's two rockfall mitigation capital budget requests. Mr. Laipply responded to committee questions regarding the rockfall fences proposed for the projects.

10:06 AM -- Adams State University

Dr. Beverlee J. McClure, President, and Scott Travis, Director of Facilities Operations, both representing Adams State University (ASU) presented the university's FY 2017-18 capital budget request: Plachy Hall HVAC Upgrade and Replacement (Capital Renewal). Committee members received photos of the critical issues with the Plachy Hall HVAC system (Attachment C). Mr. Travis discussed the critical issues with the HVAC system. Committee discussion ensued on the disrepair of the HVAC system.

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10:16 AM

The committee recessed.

10:47 AM -- Metropolitan State University of Denver

The committee returned to order. Mr. Sean Nesbitt, Director of Facilities, and Mr. Steve Kreidler, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSUD), briefed the committee on recent developments with MSUD's capital infrastructure. Mr. Kreidler made some opening remarks about the benefits of capital improvements to the student body, and Mr. Nesbitt provided some details about these benefits. Discussion ensued regarding recently completed capital projects on the Auraria campus, and the programs conducted in these facilities.

10:57 AM

Mr. Kreidler continued to discuss certain capital projects completed on the Auraria campus that impact MSUD. Mr. Kreidler responded to questions regarding MSUD's graduation rates. Mr. Nesbitt responded to questions regarding the university's five-year capital master plan and its controlled maintenance outlook.

11:17 AM -- University of Colorado System Overview

Mr. Bruce Benson, President, University of Colorado System, and Regent Glen Gallegos, Chair of Capital Subcommittee, CU Board of Regents, presented an overview of the system's FY 2017-18 capital requests and the future capital outlook for the system.

11:20 AM -- University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Dr. Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, Chancellor, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, presented one FY 2017-18 capital project: Engineering and Applied Science (EAS) Renovation. Committee members received a packet of information providing the basis for Dr. Shockley-Zalabak's presentation (Attachment D). Dr. Shockley-Zalabak first provided an overview of the UCCS campus capital outlook and growth trends for certain programs, and discussed some recently completed construction projects. Dr. Shockley-Zalabak responded to questions regarding audits of campus capital infrastructure for controlled maintenance purposes, and balancing educational and athletic capital needs.

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11:31 AM

Dr. Shockley-Zalabak responded to questions regarding the EAS Renovation.

11:33 AM -- University of Colorado at Boulder

Dr. Philip DiStefano, Chancellor, presented the University of Colorado at Boulder's (CU Boulder) capital projects: (1) Aerospace Engineering Sciences Building; and (2) Hellems Arts and Sciences Building (Capital Renewal). Committee members received a copy of the CU Boulder presentation (Attachment E). Dr. DiStefano discussed some recent developments on the CU Boulder campus, provided details on the university's two FY 2017-18 capital budget requests, and discussed the university's capital focus going forward. Discussion ensued regarding sustainable energy systems.

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11:44 AM -- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Mr. Don Elliman, Chancellor, University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz), provided an overview of the campus' FY 2017-18 capital construction request: the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine Building. Committee members received a copy of Chancellor Elliman's presentation (Attachment F). Chancellor Elliman discussed the need for the project, and responded to questions regarding the source of the university's cash match for the project. He also responded to further questions regarding efforts to fund controlled and deferred maintenance at CU Anschutz, and ancillary infrastructure issues that affect the campus, including parking and public transit.

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11:55 AM -- University of Colorado Denver

Dr. Dorothy Horrell, Chancellor, University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver), provided an overview of the campus' FY 2017-18 capital request: Engineering and Physical Sciences Building. Committee members received a packet of information showing CU Denver's capital needs, prepared by university staff (Attachment G). Dr. Horrell discussed the need to maximize the impact of capital funding, and provided background on CU Denver's student body. Dr. Horrell also updated the committee on certain developments pertaining to capital construction on the CU Denver campus. She then provided details on the FY 2017-18 capital request, and discussed potential fund raising for the project. Dr. Horrell returned to discussing capital projects underway on the CU Denver campus, and the university's controlled maintenance needs.

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12:12 PM

Dr. Horrell continued to brief the committee on CU Denver's capital construction needs. Regent Gallegos returned to respond to questions regarding potential student population growth trends in the United States, and the effect stagnant growth may have on capital needs. Dr. Horrell provided input on this issue, and responded to questions regarding the potential for constructing a pedestrian bridge connecting CU Denver and the downtown area.

12:21 PM

The committee recessed.

01:30 PM -- Department of Human Services

The committee reconvened. Reggie Bicha, Executive Director, and Tony Gherardini, Director, Office of Administrative Solutions, both representing the Department of Human Services (DHS), presented the department's FY 2017-18 capital budget requests. Committee members received a copy of the department's presentation (Attachment H). Mr. Bicha responded to a committee question regarding the department's prioritized list of projects.

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01:42 PM

Mr. Bicha discussed the Refurbishment for Safety, Risk Mitigation, and Modernization and Adams County Youth Services Center Replacement projects. Mr. Bicha and Mr. Gherardini responded to committee questions regarding the Division of Youth Corrections (DYC). Mr. Bicha discussed the Hawkins Building L2 Unit, Colorado Mental Health Institute (CMHI) at Pueblo project.

01:51 PM

Mr. Bicha responded to committee questions about CMHI at Pueblo. Mr. Bicha discussed the Replace Deteriorated Campus Infrastructure System, CMHI at Fort Logan (Capital Renewal) and the Upgrade Campus Utility Infrastructure, CMHI at Pueblo (Capital Renewal) projects. Mr. Bicha responded to committee questions regarding controlled maintenance projects for the department.

02:02 PM

Mr. Bicha discussed the Fitzsimons Veterans Community Living Center (VCLC) Expansion project. Mr. Gherardini responded to committee questions regarding supportive housing options. Mr. Bicha responded to a committee question regarding private financing options for the project. Mr. Bicha discussed potential future phases of the project and responded to a committee question regarding the capacity of the state's VCLCs.

02:12 PM

Mr. Bicha discussed the Grand Junction Regional Center Campus Relocation and Closure project. Mr. Bicha responded to committee questions regarding the Grand Junction Regional Center Advisory Group report and Senate Bill 16-178.

02:22 PM

Mr. Bicha responded to committee questions regarding the potential cost savings resulting from the project. Committee discussion ensued on the total cost of the project.

02:31 PM

Mr. Gherardini discussed the Program and Facility Master Planning (DYC) and Program and Master Planning (Department-wide) projects. Committee discussion ensued on the department's collaboration with the Office of the State Architect. Mr. Gherardini and Mr. Bicha responded to committee questions regarding facilities master planning for the department.

02:38 PM

Mr. Bicha discussed the Regional Center Capital Improvements project. Mr. Bicha responded to committee questions regarding program planning for the department's capital construction projects.

02:44 PM

Mr. Bicha discussed the department's building inventory and its controlled maintenance budget requests.

02:49 PM

The committee recessed.

03:15 PM -- Western State Colorado University

The committee returned to order. Ms. Julie Feier, Vice President of Finance and Administration, and Mr. Brad Baca, Executive Vice President, presented Western State Colorado University's (WSCU) FY 2017-18 capital construction request: Savage Library Renovation. Committee members received support information about the request (Attachment I). Mr. Baca provided background on WSCU's enrollment, financial health, and other issues. Ms. Feier updated the committee on some previously initiated capital construction projects. Ms. Feier and Mr. Baca responded to questions regarding how the university addresses its controlled maintenance needs. Ms. Feier responded to questions regarding potential energy savings associated with the Savage Library project, and noted a forthcoming technology infrastructure funding request.

03:31 PM -- Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind

Ms. Carol Hilty, Superintendent, and Mr. Kevyn Brown, Facilities Manager, Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), provided updates on some previously funded capital projects; CSDB has no FY 2017-18 capital requests. Committee members received a fact sheet about the campus and the strategic plan for the school (Attachment I). Mr. Brown provided status details on these projects, and noted the critical nature of maintaining the buildings on the CSDB campus. Ms. Hilty responded to questions regarding employment programs hosted by CSDB.

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03:41 PM -- Colorado Parks and Wildlife Budget Requests

Mr. Justin Rutter, Financial Services Manager, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) within the Department of Natural Resources, presented the division's annual package of cash-funded capital line-item requests. Mr. Rutter provided an overview of each of these line items. Mr. Rutter responded to questions regarding the level of Highway Users Tax Fund moneys allotted to CPW each year.

03:47 PM -- Colorado Parks and Wildlife Property Transaction

Ms. Anne Kelson, Real Estate Section Manager, and Mr. Travis Black, Area Wildlife Manager, CPW, presented the Midwestern Farms Fee Title Acquisition and Water Rights property transaction proposal. Committee members received written descriptions of the proposal, assembled by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment J). Mr. Black provided an overview of the proposal and discussed its benefits. Mr. Black responded to questions regarding why the division chose to acquire fee title to the subject property rather than pursuing another option, such as acquiring a conservation easement. Mr. Black and Ms. Kelson responded to further questions regarding acquisition of water rights under the property transaction proposal, and the outlook for CPW to acquire fee title to land in the future.

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04:00 PM

Discussion ensued regarding the benefits to local jurisdictions of acquiring interests in property by CPW. Ms. Lauren Ris, Assistant Director for Water for the Department of Natural Resources, responded to questions regarding how to access information from the department. Mr. Frederick Esgar, landowner of the Midwestern Farms tract, responded to questions regarding his reasons for selling the parcel to CPW. Discussion ensued regarding the forthcoming vote on the property transaction proposal.

04:11 PM

The chair laid over the vote on the transaction until a later date. The committee adjourned.

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