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J_CDC_2017A 12/21/2016 Committee Summary




Date: 12/21/2016
Time: 09:04 AM to 12:06 PM
Place: LSB B
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Esgar
This Report was prepared by
Kori Donaldson
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Colorado State University System

Colorado State University Pueblo

Department of Personnel and Administration

Capitol Building Updates

CPW Midwest Farms Property Transaction (For Action)

University of Northern Colorado

OAS Annual Report and FY 2017-18 Capital and Controlled Maint.
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Committee Vote - Final Action Failed

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

09:04 AM -- Colorado State University System

The committee came to order. A quorum was present. Dr. Anthony Frank, Chancellor and President, Colorado State University (CSU) System and CSU, Ms. Lynn Johnson, Chief Financial Officer, CSU, and Mr. Mike Rush, CSU Architect, presented three projects for CSU Fort Collins for FY 2017-18: (1) Shepardson Building Renovation and Expansion; (2) Anatomy /Zoology East Wing Revitalization (Capital Renewal); and (3) Chemistry B and C Wing Renovation (Capital Renewal). Dr. Frank provided opening remarks about CSU, and Mr. Rush briefly discussed the Shepardson project. Discussion ensued regarding CSU's attention to controlled maintenance, and facilities auditing undertaken by CSU to assess controlled maintenance needs. Mr. Rush then briefed the committee on the Anatomy/Zoology and Chemistry Renovation projects.

09:14 AM

Mr. Rush responded to questions regarding the relationship between the previously funded Chemistry Building project at CSU, and the FY 2017-18 Chemistry Renovation project. Dr. Frank responded to questions regarding enrollment growth at CSU for certain programs. Mr. Rush discussed the FY 2017-18 CSU controlled maintenance requests, and responded to questions regarding controlled maintenance prioritization by the university. Mr. Rush provided updates on some previously funded capital construction projects on the Fort Collins campus.

09:28 AM

Dr. Frank responded to questions regarding the disposition of the recently vacated Hughes Stadium property. Ms. Johnson discussed fund-raising efforts undertaken to help fund certain capital construction projects. Discussion ensued regarding campus capital fund raising. Dr. Frank provided an update on the status of the National Western Complex projects. Discussion ensued on this point.

09:40 AM -- Colorado State University Pueblo

Mr. Karl Spiecker, Chief Financial Officer, CSU-Pueblo, presented the university's FY 2017-18 capital construction request: Psychology Building Renovation and Addition. Committee members received a packet of slides as background for the presentation (Attachment A). Mr. Spiecker provided an overview of the Psychology Building project. Mr. Spiecker responded to questions regarding master planning and controlled maintenance efforts at the CSU-Pueblo campus, and facilities auditing. Dr. Frank responded to questions regarding prioritization of CSU System projects by the system and the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting. Discussion ensued regarding how CSU-Pueblo has kept the Psychology Building serviceable while the university has repeatedly requested renovation funds over the last decade. Discussion followed regarding the importance of funding controlled maintenance to support the current state building inventory.

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09:51 AM

Mr. Spiecker briefed the committee on CSU-Pueblo's FY 2017-18 controlled maintenance requests, and discussed certain capital projects supported by donor funds. Mr. Spiecker responded to questions regarding student fees applied to capital construction. Dr. Frank provided input on this issue from a system-wide perspective.

09:57 AM -- Department of Personnel and Administration

Mr. Lance Shepherd, Capitol Complex Architect, and Ms. June Taylor, Executive Director, Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA), presented the department's FY 2017-18 capital construction portfolio. Committee members received a fact sheet about the Replace/Restore Roof, State Capitol Building request (Attachment B). Ms. Taylor provided background on DPA's capital responsibilities, and discussed two projects that will renovate the State Capitol. Mr. Shepherd responded to questions regarding the timeline for the Restore Windows and Granite Exterior, State Capitol project.

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10:03 AM -- Capitol Building Updates

Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, discussed a staff-initiated capital request to restore the granite exterior of the State Capitol, and explained how the project will be funded using cash sources. Ms. Donaldson also briefed the committee on other future capital projects at the State Capitol, including committee room renovations and other miscellaneous small projects.

10:09 AM -- CPW Midwest Farms Property Transaction (For Action)

The committee recessed.

10:35 AM

The committee returned to order. Ms. Jackie Corday, Water Resources Section Manager, and Mr. Travis Black, Area Wildlife Manager, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) within the Department of Natural Resources, provided additional insight into the Midwest Farms Fee Title Acquisition and Water Rights property transaction proposal. Committee members received maps showing the Midwest Farms tract within the context of area water bodies (Attachment C), and within the context of area land use patterns (Attachment D). Ms. Corday explained the importance of acquiring the tract, and provided an overview of fee title acquisitions by CPW in recent years. Ms. Corday addressed additional issues raised during the hearing on the Midwest Farms property transaction proposal that took place on December 20, and discussed the economic impact of hunting and fishing in southeastern Colorado.

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10:45 AM --
Mr. Rick Enstrom, representing himself, testified in support of the Midwest Farms property transaction. He discussed the importance of the property as a water and wildlife resource. Discussion ensued regarding the impact of reservoir closures on hunting and fishing activity, and the resulting economic impact. Ms. Corday responded to questions regarding past uses of the subject property, and uses for the property going forward. Mr. Black provided input on the property's intended uses by CPW.

10:57 AM

Discussion ensued regarding riverfront access to be acquired under the property transaction proposal, and the current public uses of the subject property. Discussion followed regarding the local tax ramifications of the state acquiring the Midwest Farms property. Mr. Black responded to questions regarding how the habitat acquired under the proposal might be protected from overuse. Discussion turned to the ramifications of the state acquiring additional lands from the private sector. The committee chair recused herself from the vote under legislative rules.

BILL: CPW Midwest Farms Property Transaction (For Action)
TIME: 11:03:38 AM
MOVED: Kefalas
MOTION: Recommend support for the fee title acquisition of the Midwestern Farms property and associated water rights ($1,348,000 CF for 700 acres). The motion failed on a vote of 2-3.

11:07 AM -- University of Northern Colorado

Ms. Kay Norton, President, and Mr. Kirk Leichliter, Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management, University of Northern Colorado (UNC), presented their FY 2017-18 capital construction portfolio.

11:09 AM -- State Architect Annual Report and FY 2017-18 Capital and Controlled Maintenance

Mr. Larry Friedberg, State Architect, Office of State Architect (OSA), presented the office's annual report and FY 2017-18 capital construction and controlled maintenance projects. Committee members received OSA's annual report (the report may be accessed at: ), and a summary of the report (Attachment E). Mr. Friedberg briefed the committee on the annual report, first discussing data associated with the state's building inventory. Mr. Friedberg responded to questions regarding trends in the market value of the state's building inventory, and the growth of controlled maintenance need based on the overall inventory growth. Mr. Friedberg returned to briefing the committee on data associated with the state's building inventory.

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11:24 AM

Mr. Friedberg continued presenting the OSA annual report to the committee, discussing historic funding trends for capital construction and controlled maintenance. Mr. Friedberg responded to questions regarding who conducts facility condition audits of state facilities, and the extent to which higher education institutions are meeting controlled maintenance funding goals. Mr. Friedberg explained the process by which OSA prioritizes state controlled maintenance requests, and responded to questions regarding this process.

11:38 AM

Mr. Friedberg provided an overview of OSA's FY 2017-18 controlled maintenance recommendations, comprised of 115 projects totaling $91.8 million across three levels. Mr. Friedberg discussed the FY 2017-18 capital construction and capital renewal recommendation, and OSA's role in prioritizing these requests.

11:49 AM

Mr. Friedberg discussed funding strategies for controlled maintenance, including funding goals and practices observed by other states. Mr. Friedberg responded to questions regarding methods for securing a dedicated funding stream for controlled maintenance, and efforts to do so in other states. Discussion ensued regarding the historic use of Controlled Maintenance Trust Fund moneys. Discussion returned to controlled maintenance funding in other states. The committee discussed upcoming CDC activities.

12:06 PM

The committee adjourned.

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