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J_CDC_2018A 09/05/2018 08:59:58 AM Committee Summary

Date 09/05/2018
Becker J. X
Hansen X
Kefalas X
Sonnenberg *
Esgar X
Cooke X
Time 08:59:58 AM to 10:04:02 AM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Cooke
This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue
Hearing Items Action Taken
Recommendation from the Capitol Building Advisory Committee Recommendation Approved
Higher Education Revenue Bond Intercept Program Committee Discussion Only
Colorado State University Two-Year Cash List Two-year List Approved
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Two-Year Cash List Two-year List Approved
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Six-Month Encumbrance Deadline Waiver Waiver Approved
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Property Transaction Property Transaction Approved
Department of Human Services Emergency Supplemental Request Recommend Support
Other Business Committee Discussion Only

Recommendation from the Capitol Building Advisory Committee - Recommendation Approved

09:00:29 AM  

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Mr. Damion Pechota, Legislative Council Staff, presented a request on behalf of the Capitol Building Advisory Committee (CBAC) to relocate the visitor's services desk in the State Capitol. Committee members received a packet of information about the proposal, assembled by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment A).  Mr. Pechota responded to questions regarding why (CBAC) wants to move the desk.

09:03:27 AM
Motion Recommend support for the relocation of the visitors' services desk.
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Colorado State University Two-Year Cash List - Two-year List Approved

09:11:06 AM  

Ms. Lynn Johnson, Vice President of University Operations, and Ms. Margaret Henry, Treasurer, Colorado State University, presented a two-year projection of cash need list for the university system. Committee members received copies of the two-year list, created by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment C).  Ms. Johnson responded to questions about the location of the Center for Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases facility, and the use of space vacated by programs that will move to the new facility. Discussion ensued regarding the yearly debt service for the projects on the two-year list, and grant funding available for the Center for Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases facility. Ms. Johnson returned to briefing the committee about the projects on the two-year list. Discussion followed regarding the High Plains Campus Expansion project. Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, explained why the approval date is "TBD" on Attachment C. Ms. Johnson returned to discussing the projects on the two-year list. Ms. Johnson responded to questions regarding the factors that lead the university to utilize the Higher Education Bond Intercept Program.

09:26:41 AM  

Ms. Henry responded to questions regarding the bonding rate when using the Higher Education Bond Intercept Program. Ms. Johnson responded to questions regarding the use of student fees to finance projects on the two-year list. Ms. Johnson returned to briefing the committee about the projects on the two-year list.  Ms. Johnson responded to questions regarding the location of a project on the two-year list.

09:30:47 AM
Motion Recommend cash funds spending authority for the new projects and reauthorize cash funds spending for the existing projects listed on the Colorado State University two-year projection of cash need.
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

09:31:28 AM
Motion Authorize the use of the Higher Education Bond Intercept program for the following projects: (1) Center for Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases; (2) High Plains Campus Expansion; (3) JBS Global Food Innovation Center Phase II; (4) Richardson Design Center Tenant Finish; and (5) Western Campus Expansion.
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Higher Education Revenue Bond Intercept Program - Committee Discussion Only

09:06:49 AM  

Mr. Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, provided an overview of the Higher Education Bond Intercept Program, with particular attention to forthcoming requests from Colorado State University. Committee members received a memorandum about the program authored by Legislative Council Staff, along with the Colorado Treasurer's annual report concerning the fiscal health of Colorado's higher education programs (Attachment B). Mr. Becker responded to questions regarding consideration of certain factors by the State Treasurer in creating the annual report and interest rates for debt incurred by higher education institutions.  Discussion ensued regarding universities that have elected to participate in the Higher Education Bond Intercept Program.

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Two-Year Cash List - Two-year List Approved

09:33:19 AM  

Ms. Terri Carrothers, Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, University of Colorado (CU) Anschutz Medical Campus, Mr. Andre Vite, Campus Architect for the campus, and Ms. Cheri Gerou, Director of Capital Assets for the CU system, presented a two-year projection of cash need list for CU Denver. Committee members received copies of the two-year list, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment D).  Ms. Gerou provided an overview of the Central Utility Plant Capacity Expansion project. Mr. Vite responded to questions regarding the utility rates to be charged when the Central Utility Plant is expanded. Discussion ensued regarding the history of the project and potential reliability issues with the expansion.  Mr. Vite responded to questions regarding the potential for using geothermal as an energy source on the Anschutz campus.

09:41:51 AM
Motion Recommend cash funds spending authority for the new project listed on the University of Colorado Denver two-year projection of cash need.
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Six-Month Encumbrance Deadline Waiver - Waiver Approved

09:42:34 AM  

Mr. David Norris, Acting Chief Financial Officer, and Mr. Rich Hull, Budget Director, Department of Public Health and Environment, presented a request to waive the six-month encumbrance deadline for the Laboratory Space Expansion and Equipment Purchase.  Committee members received a written description of the request, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment E).  Mr. Hull responded to questions regarding why the timeline for the project was not secured earlier.

09:44:41 AM
Motion Approve the waiver request for the FY 2018-19 appropriation authorized under House Bill 18-1008 for the Newborn Screening Program within the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment ($1,162,500 CF).
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Department of Human Services Emergency Supplemental Request - Recommend Support

09:50:27 AM  

Ms. Sarah Wager, Interim Director, Office of Administrative Solutions within the Department of Human Services, presented a supplemental request for the Fitzsimons Veterans Community Living Center Fire Alarm System Replacement project.  Committee members received a written description of the project, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment G).  Ms. Wager responded to questions regarding the need to bring the system up to code, and the source of funds for the supplemental.

09:52:55 AM
Motion Recommend support for the Department of Human Services Fitzsimons Veterans Community Living Center Fire Alarm System Replacement Project.
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
09:53:03 AM  
Discussion ensued regarding why the department rescinded a request to expand capacity at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Property Transaction - Property Transaction Approved

09:45:22 AM  

Mr. Bill deVergie, Area Wildlife Manager, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), and Mr. Doug Vilsack, Legislative Liaison, Department of Natural Resources, presented a proposal to acquire conservation and public access easements at Pothook Ranch in Moffat County. Committee members received a written description of the proposal, assembled by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment F). Mr. deVergie provided an overview of the proposal, and Mr. Vilsack provided background on CPW's property transaction process. Mr. deVergie responded to questions regarding public access to Slater Creek on the subject property.

09:49:30 AM
Motion Recommend support for the acquisition of perpetual conservation and public access easements at Pothook Ranch ($2,640,140 for 2,357 acres).
Moved Esgar
Becker J. Yes
Hansen Yes
Kefalas Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Esgar Yes
Cooke Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Other Business - Committee Discussion Only

09:54:22 AM  

Ms. Donaldson initiated a discussion about future committee meeting dates. The committee elected to hold its next meetings on the afternoon of October 16.  Ms. Donaldson initiated a discussion about controlled maintenance spending flexibility for Senate Bill 17-267 projects. Ms. Donaldson provided an update on the status of SB 17-267 capital spending, and discussed logistics for the day's tour.

10:04:02 AM   Committee Adjourned

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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