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J_CDC_2019A 12/17/2019 09:00:49 AM Committee Summary

Date 12/17/2019
Beckman X
Sonnenberg X
Story E
Valdez A. X
Roberts X
Fields X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 09:00:49 AM to 03:59:28 PM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Senator Fields
This Report was prepared by Vanessa Reilly
Hearing Items Action Taken
Overview of FY 2020-21 Capital Construction Requests and Available Revenue Committee Discussion Only
Colorado Commission on Higher Education Committee Discussion Only
Office of State Planning and Budgeting Committee Discussion Only
Department of Agriculture Committee Discussion Only
Department of Personnel and Administration Committee Discussion Only
History Colorado Committee Discussion Only
Department of Human Services Committee Discussion Only
Fort Lewis College Committee Discussion Only
Colorado School of Mines Committee Discussion Only
Auraria Higher Education Center Committee Discussion Only

Overview of FY 2020-21 Capital Construction Requests and Available Revenue - Committee Discussion Only

09:01:06 AM  

The committee was called to order.  A quorum was present.  Bo Pogue, representing Legislative Council Staff, gave an overview of the FY 2020-21 capital construction requests.  He presented the FY 2020-21 Prioritized Capital Budget Submission list (Attachment A).

09:18:25 AM  

Mr. Pogue responded to committee members' questions.

09:18:36 AM  

Vanessa Reilly, representing Legislative Council Staff, responded to committee members' questions.

Colorado Commission on Higher Education - Committee Discussion Only

09:22:46 AM  

Mary Beth Buescher, Commissioner for the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE), described the institutions represented by CCHE.

09:24:46 AM  

Lauren Gilliland and Jason Schrock, representing CCHE, described the CCHE prioritization process.

09:27:21 AM  

Ms. Gilliland responded to committee members' questions.

09:34:48 AM  

The committee discussed CCHE's scoring criteria and institutions with increased staffing levels and decreased enrollment.

Office of State Planning and Budgeting - Committee Discussion Only

09:58:48 AM  

Lauren Larson and Ben Henderson, representing the Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB), presented the Governor's capital request.

10:00:23 AM  

Ms. Larson and Mr. Henderson responded to committee members' questions.

Department of Agriculture - Committee Discussion Only

10:33:29 AM  

The committee took a brief recess.

10:41:08 AM  

The committee returned to order.  Kate Greenberg, Commissioner of Agriculture, briefed the committee on the Department of Agriculture's FY 2020-21 capital project: Repair/Replace Water, Sanitary, and Storm Water Infrastructure on Fairgrounds (Capital Renewal).  Ms. Greenberg discussed the scope of the project, and some findings from associated controlled maintenance projects.  Ms. Greenberg responded to questions regarding cost escalation for the overall work on the water infrastructure.

Department of Personnel and Administration - Committee Discussion Only

10:51:55 AM  

Kara Veitch, Executive Director, Richard Lee, Director for the Division of Capital Assets, and Lance Shepherd, Manager for Capitol Complex Architects, presented the Department of Personnel and Administration's (DPA) FY 2020-21 capital construction requests.  Ms. Veitch provided an overview of the two projects associated with electric vehicle infrastructure.

10:57:01 AM  

Mr. Lee responded to committee members' questions.

10:57:24 AM  

Abbey Clymer, representing DPA, responded to committee questions.

History Colorado - Committee Discussion Only

11:11:30 AM  

Dawn DiPrince, Lynn Mitchell, and Tonya Covarrubias, representing History Colorado, presented History Colorado's FY 2020-21 capital budget request.  Ms. Covarrubias also described History Colorado's controlled maintenance requests.

11:21:22 AM  

Ms. Covarrubias responded to committee members' questions regarding Fort Vasquez.

11:21:39 AM  

Ms. DiPrince responded to committee members' questions.

Department of Human Services - Committee Discussion Only

01:31:05 PM  

Jeremy Hill and Clint Woodruff, representing the Department of Human Services (DHS), presented DHS's FY 2020-21 capital budget request and distributed a handout.

01:59:01 PM  

Mr. Hill discussed DHS's FY 2019-20 supplemental requests.

01:59:23 PM  

Mr. Woodruff discussed the Veterans Community Living Center requests.

01:59:48 PM  

The committee took a brief recess.

02:49:16 PM  

The committee reconvened.

Fort Lewis College - Committee Discussion Only

02:49:33 PM  

Dr. Tom Stritikus and Steve Schwartz, representing Fort Lewis College (FLC), presented FLC's FY 2020-21 capital budget request.

02:50:18 PM  

Mr. Schwartz responded to committee members' questions.

03:00:56 PM  

Earnest House Jr., representing Fort Lewis College's Board of Governors, discussed his experience as a member of the board.

Colorado School of Mines - Committee Discussion Only

03:10:19 PM  

Dr. Paul Johnson, Kirsten Volpi, and Peter Han, representing the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), presented CSM's FY 2020-21 capital budget requests.

Auraria Higher Education Center - Committee Discussion Only

03:34:50 PM  

Colleen Walker, JaNae Nelson, and Carl Meese, representing the Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC), presented AHEC's FY 2020-21 capital budget request.

03:46:27 PM  

Ms. Walker responded to committee members' questions.

03:53:50 PM  

Ms. Walker distributed a handout [Attachment G].

03:57:19 PM  

Mr. Pogue responded to committee members' questions.

03:59:28 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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