j_jtc_2017a_2017-10-03t07:32:34z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 10/03/2017
Location: SCR 352
Briefing on SCORE System, Secretary of State's Office
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08:46 AM -- Briefing on SCORE System, Secretary of State's Office
Ms. Suzanne Staiert and Mr. Trevor Timmons, representing the Colorado Department of State, came to the table to discuss the department's statewide voter registration system. They distributed a handout to the committee (Attachment B). Mr. Timmons noted that the department cooperates with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and worked with DHS closely during the last election. In addition, Mr. Timmons stated that the department does not expect to request further funding for the voting registration system. He noted that the department tries to use cash or federal funds for upgrades before asking for state funds. In response to a committee question, Mr. Timmons noted that anyone that has access to the voter registration system has to go through secure coding training and that the department hires outside entities to verify the system is secure. He also noted that the department requires multi-level login procedures for anyone with access to the system.
171003 AttachB.pdf
Mr. Timmons continued, in response to a committee question, by discussing the operation of the system during elections and the actions the department is undertaking to make sure the voting system functions correctly on election day.
08:59 AM
The committee adjourned.