j_jtc_2017a_2017-10-11t10:04:47z5 Hearing Summary
Date: 10/11/2017
Location: RM 271
FirstNet: Governor's Office of Information Technology Presentation
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02:29 PM -- FirstNet: Governor's Office of Information Technology Presentation
Mr. Brian Shepherd, representing the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT), came to table to discuss Colorado's FirstNet governance and process. He distributed a copy of his presentation to the committee (Attachment F). He noted several discrepancies in the white paper presented in Attachment E. He stated that the law requires each state to set up a governing body and that Colorado's includes various first responder representatives. He highlighted the opt-in decision timeline, noting the final decision for the state to opt-in is in December 2017. He noted that Colorado's governing body is considering several key factors in its decision: short versus long term objectives of the overall technology transition; coverage, pricing, and scalability planning for growth; and whether the public-private FirstNet/AT&T model fits Colorado. He continued by discussing the opt-out options for Colorado.
02:51 PM
In response to a committee questions, Mr. Shepherd noted that FirstNet was exempt from certain open records laws and that Colorado would not have access to the AT&T/FirstNet contract due to proprietary information. Mr. Shepherd continued by noting that Colorado's governing body has not yet reached a decision on whether to opt-in or out to AT&T's FirstNet system. In response to a committee question, Mr. Shepherd noted that the state did conduct a cost-benefit analysis and that it is currently under review by the Attorney General's Office.
171011 AttachF.pdf