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J_LC_2018A 09/06/2018 09:35:25 AM Committee Summary

Date 09/06/2018
Becker K. X
Buck X
Court X
Donovan X
Garcia *
Holbert X
Jones X
Lontine X
Marble X
Melton X
Neville P. X
Pabon *
Saine X
Scott X
Sonnenberg X
Wist X
Grantham E
Duran X
Time 09:35:25 AM to 04:54:28 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Duran
This Report was prepared by Rachel Kurtz-Phelan
Hearing Items Action Taken
Introductory Remarks Committee Discussion Only
Amendment V- Lower Age Requirements for Members of State Legislature Committee Discussion Only
Amendment W- Election Ballot Format for Judicial Retention Elections Committee Discussion Only
Amendment X- Industrial Hemp Definition Approve Amendment 2 to Amendment X.
Amendment Y- Congressional Redistricting Committee Discussion Only
Amendment Z- Legislative Redistricting Committee Discussion Only
Amendment 73- Funding for Public Schools Committee Discussion Only
Initiative 97- Increased Setback Requirements for Oil and Natural Gas Development Committee Discussion Only
Amendment A- Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in all Circumstances Approve Amendments 2 and 4 to Amendment A
Initiative 108- Compensation for Reduction in Fair Market Value by Government Law or Regulation Committee Discussion Only
Initiative 126- Limitations on Payday Loans Committee Discussion Only
Initiative 173- Campaign Contributions Committee Discussion Only
Proposition 109- Authorize Bonds for Highway Projects Committee Discussion Only
Proposition 110- Authorize Sales Tax and Bonds for Transportation Projects Committee Discussion Only
Other Business Committee Discussion Only

Amendment V- Lower Age Requirements for Members of State Legislature - Committee Discussion Only

09:40:01 AM  
Bill Zepernick, Legislative Council Staff,
presented the ballot analysis for Amendment V, Lower Age Requirement for
Members of the State Legislature.  He explained the measure and reviewed
the information that is provided in the ballot analysis.  A copy of
Amendment 1 was distributed to the committee [Attachment A].
09:42:37 AM  
David Sabados, representing himself as
a proponent, spoke in support of the analysis.  He made a suggestion
for the arguments against the measure, and expressed support for amendment
1.  He answered questions from the committee.
09:44:12 AM  
Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.
09:51:30 AM  
Representative Melton explained Amendment
1 to Amendment V [Attachment A].
09:53:27 AM  
Mr. Mauer came to the table to answer questions from the committee.

09:57:54 AM
Motion Approve amendment 1 to Amendment V.
Moved Melton
Seconded Pabon
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

Introductory Remarks - Committee Discussion Only

09:36:43 AM  
Speaker Duran called the meeting to order.
 Mike Mauer, Director, Legislative Council Staff, provided introductory
remarks for the meeting, and explained the procedure for reviewing the
ballot analyses.  Copies of the meeting materials are posted online
on the Legislative Council website:
Mr. Mauer responded to questions
from the committee.

Amendment W- Election Ballot Format for Judicial Retention Elections - Committee Discussion Only

09:58:10 AM  
Chris Creighton, Legislative Council Staff,
presented the ballot analysis for Amendment W, Election Ballot Format for
Judicial Retention Elections.  He explained the measure and reviewed
the information that is provided in the ballot analysis.
10:00:20 AM  
Terry Scanlon, representing the Colorado
Judicial Department, spoke about the ballot analysis.  He spoke about
how he would like to see the analysis amended.  Mr. Scanlon answered
questions from the committee.
10:04:07 AM  
Mr. Creighton came back to the table to answer questions from the committee.
10:05:37 AM  
Suzanne Staiert, Colorado Deputy Secretary
of State, came to the table to answer questions from the committee.
10:07:54 AM  
Chris Forsyth, representing the Judicial
Integrity Project, spoke about the ballot analysis and how he would like
to see the analysis amended.
10:11:32 AM  
Committee discussion ensued.

Amendment X- Industrial Hemp Definition - Approve Amendment 2 to Amendment X.

10:16:21 AM  
Meghan MacKillop, Legislative Council Staff,
presented the ballot analysis for Amendment X, Industrial Hemp Definition.
 She explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided
in the ballot analysis.  Amendment 2 to Amendment X was distributed
to the committee [Attachment B].
10:22:41 AM  
Senator Garcia distributed Amendment 1
to Amendment X [Attachment C] and explained the amendment.  He answered
questions from the committee.

10:23:40 AM
Motion Approve Amendment 1 to Amendment X.
Moved Garcia
Seconded Pabon
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble Yes
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 10   NO: 7   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
10:23:44 AM  
Senator Marble explained Amendment 2 to
Amendment X [Attachment B]. Committee discussion ensued.

10:32:55 AM
Motion Approve Amendment 2 to Amendment X.
Moved Marble
Seconded Pabon
Becker K. No
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert Yes
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble Yes
Melton Yes
Neville P. Yes
Pabon Yes
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
Final YES: 14   NO: 3   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Amendment Y- Congressional Redistricting - Committee Discussion Only

10:33:07 AM  
Amanda King, Legislative Council Staff,
presented the ballot analysis for Amendment Y, Congressional Redistricting.
 She explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided
in the ballot analysis.
10:36:19 AM  
Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.

Amendment Z- Legislative Redistricting - Committee Discussion Only

10:40:56 AM  
Amanda King, Legislative Council Staff,
presented the analysis for Amendment Z - Legislative Redistricting.


Douglas Bruce, representing himself,
spoke about the ballot analysis.

Amendment A- Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in all Circumstances - Lay Over

10:48:00 AM  
Rachel Kurtz-Phelan, Legislative Council
Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Amendment A, Prohibit Slavery
and Involuntary Servitude in all Circumstances.  She explained the
measure and reviewed the information that is provided in the ballot analysis.
 Ms. Kurtz-Phelan answered questions about the analysis.
Carpenter, Legislative Council Staff, answered questions regarding the
estimate of fiscal impact.  Mr. Mauer responded to questions from
the committee regarding the estimate of fiscal impact.  Ms. Kurtz-Phelan
further responded to questions from the committee.

10:55:00 AM  
Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.  The committee dialogued with Mr. Bruce
about his testimony.  
11:02:54 AM  
Nathan Woodliff-Stanley, Abolish Slavery
Colorado, spoke about the ballot analysis.  Mr. Woodliff-Stanley answered
questions from the committee.
11:08:04 AM  
Ms. Kurtz-Phelan came back to the table
to answer questions from the committee.  Speaker Duran laid Amendment
A over for amendments and further discussion.

Amendment 73- Funding for Public Schools - Committee Discussion Only

11:14:59 AM  
The committee recessed.
11:31:22 AM  
The committee came back to order.
11:33:37 AM  
Rachel Kurtz-Phelan and Louis Pino, Legislative
Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Amendment 73, Funding
for Public Schools.  They explained the measure and reviewed the information
that is provided in the ballot analysis.  Amendment 2 to Amendment
73 was distributed to the committee [Attachment D].  Committee discussion
ensued.  Amendment 1 to Amendment 73 was distributed to the committee
[Attachment E].
11:37:22 AM  
Craig Hulse, representing Ready Colorado,
spoke about the ballot analysis.
11:40:10 AM  
Lisa Weil, representing Great Education
Colorado and Great Schools, Thriving Communities as a proponent, spoke
about the ballot analysis.
11:46:28 AM  
Ed Ramey, representing himself as a proponent,
spoke about the ballot analysis.
11:50:30 AM  
Ms. Weil and Mr. Ramey answered questions
from the committee.  
11:51:18 AM  
Jana Mendez, representing herself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.  
11:53:30 AM  
Barbara Holme, representing herself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.  She provided a handout to the committee
with suggested amendments [Attachment F].
11:57:08 AM  
Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.
12:01:25 PM  
Dennis Gallagher, representing himself,
spoke about the ballot analysis.
12:04:21 PM  
Ron Stewart, representing himself, spoke
about the ballot analysis.  
12:07:43 PM  
Dickey Lee Hullinghorst, representing herself,
spoke about the ballot analysis.  Ms. Hullinghorst answered questions
from the committee.
12:22:19 PM  
Representative Pabon explained Amendment
2 to Amendment 73 [Attachment D].
12:24:23 PM  
Representative Pabon clarified that the
amount in line 2 of Amendment 2 should be $255.3 instead of $55.3 million.
 Committee discussion ensued.  
12:28:02 PM  
Mr. Pino and Ms. Kurtz-Phelan came back
to the table to answer questions from the committee.
12:30:17 PM  
The committee further discussed the analysis.

12:30:17 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 2 to Amendment 73, with the amount in line 2 changed to $55.3 to $255.3.
Moved Pabon
Seconded Jones
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan No
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones Yes
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon Yes
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 11   NO: 6   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
12:32:26 PM  
Senator Court explained Amendent 1 to Amendment
73 [Attachment E].  The committee discussed the amendment.

12:37:39 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 1 to Amendment 73.
Moved Court
Seconded Lontine
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
12:37:40 PM  
Representative Becker discussed Amendment
3 to Amendment 73  [Attachment G].  Mr. Pino and Ms. Kurtz-Phelan
answered questions from the committee.  

12:45:14 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 3 to Amendment 73.
Moved Becker K.
Seconded Lontine
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan No
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

Initiative 97- Increased Setback Requirements for Oil and Natural Gas Development - Committee Discussion Only

12:45:50 PM  

Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Initiative 97, Increased Setbacks Requirement for Oil and Natural Gas Development.  He explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided in the ballot analysis.

12:49:17 PM  
Mr. Becker responded to questions from the committee regarding the analysis.
12:58:52 PM  
Josh Abram, Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions from the committee regarding the fiscal impact statement for the analysis. Committee discussion on the analysis continued.
01:03:43 PM  

Representative Saine discussed a handout she distributed to the committee [Attachment H].  Mr. Becker continued to respond to questions from the committee.

01:13:06 PM  

Mr. Mauer responded to committee questions. Mr. Becker and Mr. Mauer answered questions from the committee.

01:33:06 PM  

Chris Brown, representing REMI Partnership, spoke about the ballot analysis. Mr. Brown answered questions from the committee.

01:47:15 PM  

Mr. Brown provided a handout to the committee [Attachment I].

01:48:09 PM  

Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke about the ballot analysis.

01:51:55 PM  

Phil Doe, representing Be The Change, spoke about the ballot analysis. Mr. Doe answered questions from the committee.

01:59:18 PM  

Jan Rose, representing herself, spoke about the ballot analysis.

02:09:34 PM  

Anne Lee Foster, representing Colorado Rising, spoke about the ballot analysis and dialogued with the committee.

02:12:59 PM  

Lauren Petrie, representing Colorado Rising, spoke about the ballot analysis.

02:16:56 PM  
Representative Wist explained amendment 3 to Initiative 97 [Attachment J]. The committee discussed the amendment.

02:25:54 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 3 to Initiative 97.
Moved Wist
Seconded Sonnenberg
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan No
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones No
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon No
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran No
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:25:55 PM  
Senator Sonnenberg explained amendment 9 to Initiative 97 [Attachment K].
02:27:14 PM  

The committee discussed the amendment.

02:29:29 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 9 to Initiative 97.
Moved Sonnenberg
Seconded Neville P.
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan No
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones No
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon No
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran No
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:29:30 PM  
Representative Wist explained amendment 1 to Initiative 97 [Attachment L].

02:31:21 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 1 to 97.
Moved Wist
Seconded Sonnenberg
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan Yes
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones No
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon No
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran No
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:31:22 PM  

Senator Sonnenberg explained amendment 4 to Initative 97 [Attachment M].

02:33:11 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 4 to Initiative 97.
Moved Sonnenberg
Seconded Saine
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan No
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones No
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon No
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran No
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:33:34 PM  

Representative Wist explained amendment 5 to Initiative 97 [Attachment N].  Committee discussion ensued. Mr. Becker responded to questions from the committee.

02:36:14 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 5 to Initiative 97.
Moved Wist
Seconded Sonnenberg
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan No
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones No
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon No
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran No
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:36:15 PM  
Senator Donovan explained amendment 6 to Initiative 97 [Attachment O]. The committee discussed the amendment.

02:39:51 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 6 to Initiative 97.
Moved Donovan
Seconded Court
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones No
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:39:52 PM  
Senator Jones explained amendment 7 to Initiative 97 [Attachment P]. The committee discussed the amendment.

02:45:37 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 7 to Initiative 97.
Moved Jones
Seconded Lontine
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:45:38 PM  

Senator Jones explained amendment 10 to Initiative 97 [Attachment Q].

02:47:12 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 10 to Initiative 97.
Moved Jones
Seconded Melton
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:47:13 PM  

Senator Jones explained amendment 8 to Initiative 97 [Attachment R]. The committee discussed the amendment.

02:54:49 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 8 to Initiative 97.
Moved Jones
Seconded Melton
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
02:54:50 PM  
Representative Buck explained amendment 11 to Initiative 97 [Attachment S].
02:57:17 PM  
The committee recessed.

02:57:17 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 11 to Initiative 97.
Moved Buck
Seconded Neville P.
Becker K. No
Buck Yes
Court No
Donovan No
Garcia No
Holbert Yes
Jones No
Lontine No
Marble Yes
Melton No
Neville P. Yes
Pabon No
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran No
YES: 8   NO: 9   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

Initiative 108- Compensation for Reduction in Fair Market Value by Government Law or Regulation - Lay Over

02:57:59 PM  

The committee came back to order.  The chair laid over the presentation of Initiative 108, Compensation for Reduction in Fair Market Value by Government Law or Regulation, until after Amendment A, Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in all Circumstances.

Amendment A- Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in all Circumstances - Approve Amendments 2 and 4 to Amendment A

03:21:06 PM  

The committee resumed discussion of Amendment A, Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in all Circumstances.  Representative Melton explained amendment 4 to Amendment A [Attachment T]. The committee discussed the amendment.

03:25:08 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 4 to Amendment A.
Moved Melton
Seconded Court
Becker K. Yes
Buck Yes
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Excused
Holbert Yes
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble Yes
Melton Yes
Neville P. Yes
Pabon Yes
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 16   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:25:08 PM  
Representative Wist explained amendment 2 to Amendment A [Attachment U].

03:27:35 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 2 to Amendment A.
Moved Wist
Seconded Melton
Becker K. Yes
Buck Yes
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Excused
Holbert Yes
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble Yes
Melton Yes
Neville P. Yes
Pabon Yes
Saine Yes
Scott Yes
Sonnenberg Yes
Wist Yes
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 16   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Initiative 108- Compensation for Reduction in Fair Market Value by Government Law or Regulation - Committee Discussion Only

03:28:05 PM  

Kerry White, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Initiative 108, Compensation for Reduction in Fair Market Value by Government Law or Regulation.   She explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided in the ballot analysis. Ms. White answered questions from the committee.

03:30:33 PM  

Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke about the ballot analysis. Mr. Bruce answered questions from the committee.

03:42:30 PM  

Mr. Mauer answer questions from the committee. Committee discussion ensued.

03:45:28 PM  

Mark Grueskin, representing himself, spoke about the ballot analysis. Mr. Grueskin answered questions from the committee. Committee discussion ensued.

03:55:23 PM  

Mr. Grueskin continued to answer questions from the committee. Amendments 1, 2, and 9  to Initiative 108 were distributed to the committee [Attachments V, W, and X].

04:04:53 PM  

Jan Rose, representing herself, spoke about the ballot analysis.

04:11:00 PM  

Senator Donovan presented amendments 1 and 9 to Initiative 108 (Attachments V and X).

04:12:59 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 1 to Initiative 108.
Moved Donovan
Seconded Court
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
04:13:58 PM  

The committee discussed amendment 9 to Initiative 108.

04:18:26 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 9 to Initiative 108.
Moved Donovan
Seconded Court
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

Proposition 109- Authorize Bonds for Highway Projects - Committee Discussion Only

04:25:45 PM  

Katie Ruedebusch, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Proposition 109, Authorize Bonds for Highway Projects.  She explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided in the ballot analysis.

04:28:19 PM  

Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke about the ballot analysis.  He answered questions from the committee.

Initiative 126- Limitations on Payday Loans - Committee Discussion Only

04:18:44 PM  

Clare Pramuk, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analyis for Initiative 126, Limitations on Payday Loans.  She explained the measure and reviewed the information that is provided in the ballot analysis.  Ms. Pramuk answered questions from the committee.

Initiative 173- Campaign Contributions - Committee Discussion Only

04:21:39 PM  

Bo Pogue, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Initiative 173,  campaign contributions.  He explainied the measure and reviewed the information in the ballot analysis.  Mr. Pogue answered questions from the committee.

Proposition 110- Authorize Sales Tax and Bonds for Transportation Projects - Committee Discussion Only

04:36:44 PM  

Katie Ruedebusch, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Proposition 110, Authorize Sales Tax and Bonds for Transportation Projects.  She explained the measure and reviewed the information in the ballot analysis.  Amendment 1 to Proposition 110 was distributed to the committee [Attachment Y].

04:39:02 PM  

Carla Perez, representing Let's Go Colorado, spoke about the ballot analysis.

04:42:26 PM  

Douglas Bruce, representing himself, spoke about the ballot analysis.

04:47:26 PM  

Natalie Menten, representing herself, spoke about the ballot analysis. She provided a handout to the committee [Attachment Z].

04:51:06 PM  

Representative Lontine explained amendment 1 to Proposition 110 (Attachment Y).

04:53:14 PM
Motion Approve Amendment 1 to Proposition 110.
Moved Lontine
Seconded Melton
Becker K. Yes
Buck No
Court Yes
Donovan Yes
Garcia Yes
Holbert No
Jones Yes
Lontine Yes
Marble No
Melton Yes
Neville P. No
Pabon Yes
Saine No
Scott No
Sonnenberg No
Wist No
Grantham Excused
Duran Yes
YES: 9   NO: 8   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

Other Business - Committee Discussion Only

04:54:28 PM   Committee Adjourned

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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