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J_MICJS_2018A 09/27/2018 09:37:49 AM Committee Summary

Date 09/27/2018
Benavidez X
Cooke X
Fields X
Humphrey X
Martinez Humenik E
Singer X
Time 09:37:49 AM to 12:33:53 PM
Place LSB B
This Meeting was called to order by Singer
This Report was prepared by Anne Wallace
Hearing Items Action Taken
Update on Restoration to Competency Services Committee Discussion Only
Update from Advisory Task Force Committee Discussion Only
Public Comment Committee Discussion Only
Committee Discussion: Voting on Bill Drafts Committee Discussion Only

Update on Restoration to Competency Services - Committee Discussion Only

09:38:44 AM  

Representative Singer called the meeting to order and discussed the agenda for the day.   An agenda was distributed to the committee (Attachment A).

09:40:45 AM  

Dr. Danielle Weittenhiller and Kathryn Davis, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), Department of Human Services (DHS), presented to the committee regarding adult and juvenile restoration services.  Ms. Davis described OBH's Outpatient Restoration Program, and the recent Request for Application (RFA) for providers of community-based competency restoration services.  She described the qualifications for competency restoration providers, DHS's evaluation of models to deliver competency services, and efforts to establish and maintain an adequate number of competency providers in Colorado.

09:46:06 AM  

Ms. Davis described the training that competency restoration providers receive from DHS.  She discussed the competency restoration curriculum and barriers to successful competency restoration.  Ms. Davis described stakeholders that partner with the restoration program, including the court liaison program, community mental health centers, and community-centered boards.  She described the current competency restoration services areas in Colorado.

09:50:58 AM  

Ms. Davis and Dr. Weittenhiller responded to committee questions regarding time frame for completion of community-based restoration services, communication with the court system, and tracking of participants in restoration services.  Ms. Davis and Dr. Weittenhiller continued to respond to questions on the diversity of the restoration provider network and the failure of an earlier Request for Proposal.

Update from Advisory Task Force - Committee Discussion Only

10:12:01 AM  

Moses Gur, MHDCJS Task Force Chair, presented to the committee on task force activities and distributed a handout (Attachment B).  He discussed recent task force leadership changes and vacancies.  Mr. Gur provided an update on new task force working groups on competency and governance.  The continuing subcommittees of the task force include juvenile services, diversion and early intervention, housing, and data.

10:21:57 AM  

Peggy Heil, MHDCJS Task Force, presented on the work of the data subcommittee.  She described a planning grant that was awarded to the subcommittee by the Bureau of Justice Assistance.  Ms. Heil described progress on the grant and the subcommittee's interest in holding a stakeholder event on data sharing as it relates to persons with mental health disorders in the criminal justice system.

10:35:10 AM  

Ms. Heil and Mr. Gur responded to questions on the necessity of a stakeholder event and the progress of the grant.  Committee discussion ensured regarding the timing, usefulness, and participants for a data sharing stakeholder event.      

10:49:40 AM  

Mr. Gur responded to questions regarding the connection between juvenile sex offender status and mental health.  Karen Knickerbocker, MHDCJS Task Force, presented regarding the task force's research on the juvenile sex offender registry and partnership with the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB). 

11:05:42 AM  

Dr. Carl Blake, SOMB, discussed the SOMB recommendations regarding the juvenile sex offender registry.  A copy of the SOMB white paper and recommendations was distributed to the committee (Attachment C).  Laurie Rose Kepros, Office of the State Public Defender, discussed the connection between registration of juveniles sex offenders and negative public health outcomes of juveniles, including social isolation.

11:17:45 AM  

Dr. Blake and Ms. Kepros continued to respond to committee questions regarding juveniles with mental health disorders who commit sex offenses, victim adovcate responses to the SOMB recommendations, recidivism of juvenile sex offenders, and the connection between juvenile sex offender registration and sentencing.  

11:30:16 AM  

 Committee discussion continued regarding the charge of the committee and task force related to the juvenile sex offender registry.  

11:33:45 AM  

Mr. Gur discussed the committee's bill drafts and amendments.  A copy of the bills, fiscal notes, and amendments were distributed to the committee (Attachment D).   He explained that the task force does not recommend that Bill #3 move forward.  He also described amendments to Bill #1 and #2.  Mr. Gur and Dr. Blake responded to questions regarding issues with Bill #3 and possible solutions.

11:33:46 AM  

Committee discussion ensued regarding Bill #3 and #4.  Representative Benavidez recessed the committee.

11:40:46 AM  

The committee came back to order.  Representative Singer discussed concerns regarding voting on the bills and the possibility of holding an additional committee meeting.  Mr. Gur commented on victim's access to the juvenile sex offender registry.

Public Comment - Committee Discussion Only

12:00:39 PM  
Representative Singer opened the meeting for public comment.
12:01:23 PM  

Sterling Harris, Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance, testified regarding the victims' concerns with the committee's bills.

12:04:56 PM  

Amanda Gall, Colorado District Attorney's Council, testified regarding the juvenile sex offender registry and the juvenile court process.  Ms. Gall responded to committee questions.

12:17:21 PM  

Raechel Alderete, Department of Public Safety, testified regarding the creation of the SOMB white paper recommendations.

12:19:50 PM  

Christian Mohr, Colorado Bureau of Investigation, responded to committee questions regarding the difference between adult and juvenile registration.

Committee Discussion: Voting on Bill Drafts - Committee Discussion Only

12:32:55 PM  
Representative Singer explained that the committee will vote on the bills and amendments on Monday, October 1.

12:33:53 PM   Committee Adjourned

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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